Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Top Ten Memorable Moments

When you think about the most memorable moments in Survivor history, you might not think of every good moment as some memorable moments aren’t good at all. But you do think of moments that are quite iconic and part of Survivor’s history. You may think a lot about this show by thinking about any of these moments in the end. Here are my top ten choices for memorable Survivor moments.

#10 Phillip’s blindside- Some may hate this moment for thinking that it was rigged, but I quite enjoyed it and think it is one of the most memorable moments in Survivor history. After making the dumb choice to sit out of an immunity challenge for little to know reason, Phillip had more to worry about when the other alliance pulled out their idols are were safe from being voted out as a result. It was one of the best tribal councils in the show’s history.

#9 The purple rock- Many hate this twist and I’m one of them. But it was also quite memorable to have this as a huge part of the game going forward. It affected a lot of the game going forward and we saw a lot of different moves that we wouldn’t have otherwise, eliminations we wouldn’t have otherwise seen, and game play that never would have existed.

#8 Manono giving up immunity- In my mind, this was the most shocking moment in all of the history of Survivor and might even make my list of most shocking television moments too. It is one of the most hated moments in the show’s history and leaves many bum puzzled. It was a moment of pure “what just happened?” I had barely been able to have an expression other than one of pure shock from the time that Colton first suggested that immunity be given up to the end of this episode and I started this blog as a direct response to this episode. That’s the affect it had on me.

#7 Taking clothes off for chocolate and peanut butter- While this is very random, nearly every Survivor fan would know about this event. Two of the women contestants wanted chocolate and peanut butter so much that not only would they give up a chance at winning immunity, they would take off all of their clothes on the way to get it. And that’s how we got to fandom that we all know.

#6 The blindside of James- This poor guy will never live this down. All he needed to do was play one of his idols. It wouldn’t matter much if he wasted it as he had another one. But people knew that he had the two idols and wanted to get rid of him. A majority of people voted for him and he was none the wiser, keeping both of them until at least one went to Ghost Island.

#5 Michael’s evacuation- Of all of the medical evacuations, his was one of the most serious and the very first of them all to happen. Him falling into the fire was so serious that they had to air a content advisory warning when that episode aired due to the serious nature of his burns. It is remembered very well in Survivor history as a result.

#4 The first tribe swap- Three people from each tribe have a secret meeting with Jeff and no one has any idea about what is going on outside of Jeff and the producers. The way that it went on was such a huge part of what would now be known about the game.

#3 Erik giving up the necklace- It would seem that the rule that the immunity winner being able to give up their immunity would become something that never comes up in the future. It is a twist that I’m pretty sure is still part of the game, but Jeff never asks about anymore. But this rule was in place and the women of this season knew it. They convinced a skeptical Erik to give up his only form of immunity and was promptly voted out as a result.

#2 Stealing shoes- Within the first eight seasons, this was picked by fans as the best Survivor moment at America’s tribal council. I almost had this as number one until I realized what truly belonged there. After the tribe Morgan left their boat of stuff right next to where Rupert was and left it there with no one to protect it, Rupert did the pirate thing and took all of the shoes from them. Who doesn’t remember such a thing like this? You'd have to be a very new fan.

#1 The snakes and rat speech- There’s almost no real good way to describe this and it might be better if I just quoted the speech verbatim. No one knew or quite understood what all the final tribal council will hold in the future and this is a speech that still can’t be topped. I had to pick something from the very first season and this, I believe, best tops the list.

Well, that’s all for this list. I almost had Rob’s proposal on this, but I decided to cut it at the last minute. I do wonder if I should give up doing these random posts and I’m not sure that I can write all that I want to and should. I’ll do my best to come up with some post until the hiatus of this show ends next month. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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