I really hope that I can
publish this post on Wednesday for the first time in a while. There is a
thunder storm suspected that could cause issues such as the show not being on
since storm coverage airing over it or a power outage could happen even after
the episode has aired and before I’m able to publish it on my blog. We’ll see
what happens and I’ll explain any issues later if and when they happen.
Let’s get to the idols from
Cambodia. Kelley found one and used it to negate a record number of votes.
Jeremy found one and gave it to Stephen who used it to save himself from
elimination. Then, Jeremy and Kelley both found new idols and used them at the
final six to cause a null vote after a tie happened between the two of them.
But enough of my ramblings.
In the first segment of the
show, we get back to Vata after the vote and Lauren is upset. She is now out
for blood while not knowing where people stand anymore. People think that
Wardog was too impulsive with his move to vote out Kelley and he is once again
getting on people’s nerves. He talked to Gavin like a dog, according to Gavin. Ron
thinks that his game is going good for now and that things are going all
according to his plan. He has an extra vote given to him by Aurora. Remember
when people were known by their professions instead of their advantage or
season they first played? He tells Julie about this.
When it is daytime, Rick is
glad that the vote had happened the way it did while people notice that there
is a lot of lying going on. Rick wants both Wardog and Ron as shields and seeks
to form an alliance as a result. This trio thinks that Aurora needs to be taken
out as she is targeting them. We then get to reward and a challenge for it.
Julie, Lauren, Wardog, and Rick win the reward. Gavin wants to vote out Wardog
next and wants his head on a platter.
In the second segment of the
show, we return to Extinction Island. The people there are upset over what all
had happened. Kelley is upset over her elimination. She is dealing with her
feelings still. She’s on the edge of extinction and she’s (whatever the words
of Edge of Glory are). Reem still gives every new person the usual shade that
she gives them all. I can understand why she’s upset, but I also want to know
why she thinks this will make her look good. Kelley still wants to have a great
experience still in the game. Based on the edits new people are getting on
Extinction Island, I’m not sure the returnee is on there just yet.
Back at Vata, people talk
about how they need to get rid of Rick. Are we going to see any of the reward
at all? It normally isn’t this long that we go without it. Gavin thinks that he
should vote out Wardog later just to appease the people. Ron gave Aurora’s
extra vote back to her. But they are driving each other crazy in their own
Now we finally get to the
reward in question. All of the contestants put mud on each other. I do not yet
understand the appeal of why one would want to be muddy. Does anyone understand
this? Lauren and Julie want to take control of the game from the men. Lauren
doesn’t want to vote out Wardog as she feels that Rick is the bigger target.
In the third segment of the
show, we get to the immunity challenge in question. Are we sure that the people
crossed the obstacle without touching the ground? It didn’t look like it for
sure, but I guess that it might have been that and we’d hear if they didn’t do
it because someone would have noticed, right? I guess that I’m not sure. As
usual, Wardog has little to nothing to show for himself in the challenge.
Rick seems to be doing better
than everyone else, outside of maybe Aurora. He wins the challenge as a result
of him doing well. Gavin thinks that with Rick being immune, now is the perfect
time to take out Wardog since he could win otherwise. Why do Gavin and Wardog
hate each other? This seems like a rivalry that came out of nowhere.
In the fourth segment of the
show, there are a lot of sharks being gathered in the water, attacking each
other. I thought that Shark Tank was a different reality show. Victoria is
upset at how the challenge went today. Ron thinks that he’ll be in the hot seat
if Wardog is voted out and considers voting out Aurora instead. Wardog knows
that he’s in danger. The trio agrees on Aurora over the vote. He tells Julie
about his plan. Wardog thinks that people would be stupid if they don’t vote
him out and is banking on it.
Aurora thinks about using her
extra vote and is not sure what will be going on tonight. She also talks about
how she doesn’t trust Ron and realizes that she is probably a target. I’m a bit
confused by who Wardog was talking to as it wouldn’t make sense for him to talk
to Aurora, but it didn’t look like Julie, even though I have her written on
there instead.
In the fifth segment of the
show, we get to tribal council at hand. There is exciting noise as we get into
the council in question. People notice that Rick won immunity. Wardog notices
that the game is getting harder as it goes along. Gavin felt that he wasn’t included
in the vote and Kelley is loving this. Rick thinks that moves need to be made
carefully right now. Wardog mentions that Ron helped with these votes and
Kelley can’t have much of this crap. Everyone that was voted out thus far was a
threat, according to Gavin. Can people agree who the threats are?
Rick wonders what’s going on
and even brings up the fact that everyone could have a knife about to stab
someone before they suddenly decide to be friends with them. People are used to
things being up in the air and a surprise is going to happen as a result of
what’s going on. No idols are played. Will there be a tie vote? I guess we’ll
see. The jury likes this. Wardog is voted out. Did the trio stick with him? I
guess that we’ll soon see. Wardog thinks that they made the right decision in
voting him out. He goes to the edge of extinction. This is just like Pandora’s
Box. Not one person will pass on opening it.
On the next Survivor, Ron
gives an expired secret advantage to Rick and the loved ones challenge does
happen. Ron then arrives at Extinction Island. Reem loves giving people crap.
I’m starting to wonder what would have happened if someone other than her were
the first one sent there.
Total confessional count: Rick-
25, Lauren- 13, Julie- 17, Gavin- 12, Victoria- 13, Ron- 15, Wardog- 17,
Aurora- 9; Reem- 13, Chris- 8, Aubry- 14, Joe- 9, Eric- 10, Julia- 7, David-
21, Kelley- 24.
New confessionals this
episode: Lauren- 2, Julie- 2, Gavin- 4, Victoria- 1, Ron- 5, Wardog- 2, Aurora-
2, Rick- 2. Extinction Island confessional count: Reem- 1, Chris- 0, Aubry- 0,
Joe- 0, Eric- 0, Julia- 0, David- 0, Kelley- 2.
Wardog had two new
confessionals this episode, the same number as Rick, Lauren, Julie, and Aurora.
The only person lower is Victoria with one. Everyone else is higher with Ron as
the highest with five. As for the total confessional count, Wardog had
seventeen, the same number as Julie. The people who are higher are David,
Kelley, and Rick with Rick as the highest with twenty-five. The lowest is
Aurora with nine, unless you could those on Extinction Island, in which case,
it is Julia with seven. Aurora ties Joe and beats Chris, but no one else. We’ll
see what happens later and if this really is Rick’s game to lose. For now, this
is Adam Decker, signing off.
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