Thursday, April 11, 2019

Episode 38.8

If we are to believe the promos, something crazy is going to happen at this upcoming tribal council. I will wonder what it is, but won’t have to wait too long to find out. Maybe it will relate to the half idol or it will have nothing to do with the rest of the promo that we saw from the last episode. I do wonder now if the rest of the episode will be as good as the rest of it.

Let’s get to the idols from Worlds Apart. It might be unique in terms of seasons and did have some firsts with it as well. In it, Carolyn, Jenn, and Mike all found an idol for themselves. All of them used it to successfully save themselves from otherwise certain elimination. None of these idols switched hands and Mike won the season. While not the first winner to have an idol, he was arguably the first one who did need it as he would have been voted out if he hadn’t played it. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, we return to Vata after tribal council. Wardog talks about how he is in power. Ron talks about how he isn’t in power. Gavin talks about the moves that he made in the game. David wants to amend things with Rick. Why are they mentioning people based on what advantage or idols they have in the game? David wants to take control of the game, but we don’t see who will get the whole idol yet. Maybe they should both give it to someone else.

Eric talks about how the Edge of Extinction works when they show him on this island. They make it seem like he might be in danger of quitting. If he does, it won’t be this episode as they showed all five of these people on the jury at tribal council. Joe talks about how no one is quitting anytime soon and Chris also catches a stingray for the people there. Maybe he has American Grit, or could still have it if that show were still on the air.

We then return back to the Vata tribe where Rick talks about how Kama fell apart at a strange time to him. They talk about what the best alliance is going forward. Julie gets emotional about being left out of the loop. Others talk about what the best move going forward is.

In the second segment of the show, we are getting to an immunity challenge already. David knows that this was a challenge he has done before. If you hit puberty by your ball dropping, you lose the challenge. Gavin’s ball is moving and so is Rick’s who needs to rest his ball. Wardog hits puberty first. Julia loses her ball next. Everyone then has to grab their balls as they transition, possibly to a coconut place.

Ron then drops his ball. Rick is out next. The women know how to handle balls. That is, Aurora and Victoria then Lauren all lose control of their balls. I’m surprised that women knew what balls were like. Kelley is out of the challenge next and then Julia is the last woman who has no idea what balls are like. There is then a lot of balls moving all over the place and David loses control because Gavin knows how to handle his balls. Gavin wins immunity as a result. Gavin wants to vote out David.

In the third segment of the show, Rick stays with Julia to try to influence her vote and he talks to all of the power trios that he believes are in the game. Should David be voted out? Other options are talked about while Julia wants Kelley to be targeted. What is the most dangerous package? I guess that we will find out. Ron is brought up as a target as well.

Gavin tries to talk about what should be done, but they do not get much info from him about what they should do. David talks about his spider sense and how he thinks that he is in danger. Who will get half of the idol? Suspenseful music is played while all of the tribe mates say nothing until Kelley worries about what’s going on. Kelley thinks that she should probably play her idol as people are acting really strange and she doesn’t know who to trust.

In the fourth segment of the show, we get to the tribal council at hand. Jeff talks about how no one is to be trusted, but you have to trust someone, if I got that right. That’s how he thinks blindsides happen. One Mississippi. Two Mississippi. Kelley thinks that Comma is back together after a break. David says that he saw minnows gathered and a shark came through and ate a bunch of them. Julie is emotional for some odd reason that I don’t quite understand. Do you understand it? Kelley talks to Julia during this time. I think that Jeff misunderstands what was going on during this time. Survivor madness is going on. Isn’t madness a spooky dog that shows up from time to time.

Lesu admits to being very dysfunctional. There are tons of things going on in the game and it is hard for me to catch everything. Julia is thought to be ruining the plan. Rick thinks that they should take power from Comma since they have it all. A lot of side conversations are going on during the meantime. It does seem like some people want to target Aurora after all. Jeff just wants to watch what is going on. So he does not ask what’s going on and many people wonder about how the vote should go. A lot of people are talking at once. What is this, a Parenthood episode? Jeff just silently sits in amazement at this.

This is the most dysfunctional tribal council that has ever happened. Kelley admits that they were going to vote for David. There is a commercial right during the middle of this with someone ready to jump ship and people losing their minds. What is going on?

In the fifth segment of the show, we return to the many conversations at tribal council. The jury talks during this as well. I’ve never seen a tribal council like this before. People want Wardog to shut up and it seems like everyone might be ready to get to the vote at hand. The votes are then cast. David and Rick combine their idol and play it on David. The votes are then read. There were votes cast for David. It does seem like some votes are scattered, but Julia is the one who gets a lot of votes. She is the one who gets voted out of the game as a result. Everyone needs to talk. Julia goes to the boat.

On the next Survivor, I can’t tell much about what will go on, but it seems like Wardog is coming to be the one that people will be targeting as a result. That’s pretty much all I can get out of the promo and I cannot tell much else about what could be going on.

Total confessional count: Victoria- 11, Julia- 7, Ron- 8, Wardog- 12, Aurora- 4, Rick- 22, Lauren- 11, Julie- 12, Kelley- 20, Gavin- 8, David- 17; Reem- 12, Chris- 7, Aubry-  14, Joe- 9, Eric- 9. New confessionals this episode: Julia- 3, Ron- 1, Wardog- 1, Aurora- 0, Rick- 2, Lauren- 1, Julie- 3, Kelley- 1, Gavin- 2, David- 2, Victoria- 1. Extinction Island confessional count: Reem- 0, Chris- 0, Aubry- 0, Joe- 1, Eric- 2.

Julia had three new confessionals this episode, the same number as Julie. Everyone else is lower with Aurora as the lowest with zero. As for the total confessional count, Julia had seven total confessionals. This is the same number as Chris. The only person lower is Aurora with four. Everyone else is higher with Rick as the highest with twenty-two.

There’s not much to say in this closing outside of the fact that since next week is holy week, then this blog should be back to being posted on Wednesdays again. That doesn’t mean that it will be as there is family visiting and that could affect what goes on as a result. But that’s the plan and I can hopefully get the blog post for next week published by Easter at the very latest. It should be on Wednesday, though. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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