Thursday, April 18, 2019

Episode 38.9

Good Friday is happening soon and, as usual, the networks are still airing new programs. I don’t get why they always do this. There are a lot of shows that air on Fridays that I like to watch. I tune into Hawaii Five-0, MacGyver, Blue Bloods, Dynasty, Blindspot, Proven Innocent, and, when there is time for it, Fresh off the Boat. I might even give The Cool Kids more of a chance in the future. I’ve only seen it once thus far, but could wind up watching it again.

Let’s get to the idols from Kaoh Rong. This season was a bit different as the idols were made so that two of them could be combined into a super idol that could be played after the votes were read. Tai found one and never needed to use it. Kyle found another idol before Alecia could claim it and gave it to Tai who then gave it back to Kyle after it was realized that they didn’t need a super idol. Kyle then gave it to Scot who didn’t play it before the vote when he got the most votes as he was expecting Tai to combine their idols into one. Tai refused to combine it into the super idol, causing his once ally to be voted out and he got rid of another idol at the same time.

As for the last idol, Neal found one and was evacuated and sent to the jury with it without passing it on. I do wonder why Neal and Scott didn’t combine their idol and play it after the now infamous voting out a juror took place to make it seem like it never happened. But it might not have been allowed as it was in fact still Kyle’s idol and not really Scot’s to use. Ultimately in this season, no idols were ever played, but they were important to the story.

I have to apologize. I announced the wrong winner of Miss Universe. Oh, wait… Actually, this blog was not updated on Wednesday like I was wanting it to be since family gatherings took place during this time that prevented me from watching it until the next day. But thankfully, I am able to publish this blog now and will hopefully have no other delays with it for the rest of this season. I don’t yet know why it might be delayed again for a while so we’ll see if it is or not. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, we start again without a recap. Why do that? It seems so unnatural. We get back to the merged tribe after tribal council and people talk about what went on. Wardog wants to be part of a powerful six alliance in order to take advantage of the fractures in Comma. It does cause you to take a break from things and can be used wrongly and be annoying, when not, used right.

Aurora doesn’t think that she has a tomorrow and that she caused the problems at tribal council. Was she the one? That’s what people seem to think. We then get to the immunity challenge. Squatters have rights to win big. Jeff offers pizza to anyone who wants to sit out of the challenge. Lauren, Kelley, Ron, and Victoria sit out of the challenge. While I normally like pizza, I would not have chosen those toppings and would probably always play for immunity.

There is a butterfly on Wardog and he is once again the first person out. I’ve heard of the fly as having meaning in the show. But what would a butterfly mean? I lose track of who is out next. It comes down to being between David and Aurora leading to Aurora winning instead of taking a nap. Julie wanted Aurora to lose and is now uncertain of how she will fare now.

In the second segment of the show, we see a shark in the water. Da-da-da, da-da-dah-dah, da-da-da, da-da. People want David out of the game. Wardog thinks that David is his nemesis. What? Since when is that a thing? David wants to vote out Wardog, although Victoria is also brought up as a target. It does seem like Julie wants to work with David and Rick. They want her to bring Ron on with it. Julie and Ron do not know which side to join just yet.

We go to tribal council and we aren’t sure yet how the votes will fall. Many people talk about what is going on. Rick thinks that people lose the game due to their loyalty to Wardog and his group of people. People question whether or not David is loyal. David wants the tribe to choose between an easy vote that won’t work for them or a hard vote that will work for them. I did not write about this tribal as well as I could have. David is voted out. He could have used that idol this time around. David takes the torch and goes off to Extinction Island.

There is now another message in a bottle. Someone help me find my message in a bottle. David takes off and other people look for it as well. What does hollow mean? David finds it and gets to give someone an advantage at the next immunity challenge.

In the third segment of the show, we get to the next immunity challenge at hand. Are they even doing rewards still this season? Rick has an advantage of only needing to land four balls instead of five. The rest all have to get a ball on a dimple. I wonder who could do that on an actual dimple that they have. I could try to do that sometime. It seems like none of the women know how to handle balls. It does seem like people need to be more delicate with their balls. The balls were knocked off for some people. Rick wins the challenge. Julie wants to vote out Aurora and put sleeping beauty to rest.

In the fourth segment of the show, Rick talks some about his win. Wardog wants the vote to be easy, yet instead of voting out challenge beast Aurora, he instead wants to vote out Kelley and thinks that all of them need to be stealth. Is he trying to make a new stealth r us? Also, Coach hasn’t won Survivor so I do not know why Wardog thought that he did. Kelley is glad that she has an immunity idol. Ron isn’t sure that he should vote with Wardog against Kelley. Aurora gives her extra vote to Ron. Ron might want to take advantage of her generosity by voting her out to keep her advantage, the Sarah strategy. Aurora thinks that she might be blindsided, but that wouldn’t be a blindside now would it?

In the fifth segment of the show, we get to tribal council. Victoria thinks that she’s in danger. Everyone has to make their best moves. Ron thinks that they need to make a better group of people to not make it blindside after blindside. Victoria thinks that there are more scary people in the game than her. Jeff points out that no advantages have been played yet outside of what Rick has done.

Rick points out that the power of the advantage this season must come from Extinction Island. Votes are then cast. No one plays any idols. Kelley is then voted out of the game as a result. Is Wardog in control of the game? Kelley takes the torch to the island and that’s where the episode ends.

On the next Survivor, people want revenge and either a new alliance will happen or another blindside will happen. Kelley tells some of what is going on to the other players when she gets to Extinction Island such as her own dumb moves.

Total confessional count: Kelley- 22, Gavin- 8, David- 21, Victoria- 12, Ron- 10, Wardog- 15, Aurora- 7, Rick- 23, Lauren- 11, Julie- 15; Reem- 12, Chris- 8, Aubry- 14, Joe- 9, Eric- 10, Julia- 7. New confessionals this episode: Julie-3, Kelley- 2, Gavin- 0, David- 4, Victoria- 1, Ron- 2, Wardog- 3, Aurora- 3, Rick- 1, Lauren- 0. Extinction Island confessional count: Reem- 0, Chris- 1, Aubry- 0, Joe- 0, Eric- 1, Julia- 0.

Kelley had two new confessionals this episode, the same number as Ron. David had four, the most of all of them. Julie, Aurora, and Wardog  all have three. Everyone else is lower with Lauren and Gavin as the lowest with zero. As for total confessionals, Kelley had twenty-two and David had twenty-one. Everyone else is lower except for Rick with twenty-three. The lowest is Aurora with seven. Julia also has seven. There’s not much else to say in this post so hopefully I will be back with Wednesday updates in the next post onward. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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