Sunday, May 24, 2020

Development of Winners at War Players

Well, it would only be a matter of time that I did this recurring post in this blog again. I have this trend of posting how some players did in various seasons that they did after a season with returning players or sometimes with other seasons that I find important where I write down comparisons of the games that they have played. Obviously, they would have played different games when they played different times. I’ll even share again stuff posted from the previous times I’ve done this when relevant to those players. I realize that I should do this with All-Stars. Hopefully that post will come soon before too long.

Before I get to the post, I should probably explain the order that I put people in. It wasn’t hard for me to think of an order even as edge of extinction kind of confused things a bit. If you don’t like the order, then that’s fine but I thought that I would stick with it myself.

Sandra thoughts: She seems to have taken the biggest hit this season among some fans, if not all of them. In her first season, she won more easily then you would expect while still proving that she was quite the competitor. In her second season, she pulled off an even more marvelous win by getting all the jury votes from the side she never even joined. By the time she reached her third season, however, she began to falter and got voted out for the first time on day 16. In her fourth season, she did the absolute worse she has ever done by sitting out most of the challenges and then getting blindsided with her own idol. To cap off her horrible game, she left without even trying to get back in. Is that really a legacy you want to leave behind? Main transition: From a great winner to a dumb player.

Original thoughts on Sandra after Game Changers: Sandra won twice before playing this, her third season. She didn’t win for the first time, but she did outlast all the former winners this season, so she has that in her favor. The first time she played, she may not have been the [flashiest] villain her season, but she was the most liked compared to her competition. When she played a second time, she played against the majority nearly the entire part of the game before the merge. She then worked with that side when the heroes wouldn’t work with her and the heroes still voted for her to win the game, which she did. She then got way too cocky when she played again and everyone knew it. She still made it far somehow, but wound up on the wrong side of the numbers and was voted out. Main transition: From a cocky person who won to a cocky person who didn’t win.

Amber thoughts: The first time she played, she didn’t seem as good as she could have been. But she did do well enough to be considered for the first returning player season that wound up happening. When she played that, she wound up in a showmance with Rob and they wound up slaughtering the others and making it all the way to the final two together. Possibly being less hated than her now husband, she wound up winning the game this time around. Her connections with her husband wound up being what got her in trouble the next time around as she was out early and couldn’t win her way back into the game. But she is still a way better player than most people (including herself, apparently) would give her credit for. Main transition: From an underrated player to an underperforming player.

Danni thoughts: When she first played in Guatemala, she didn’t get as good a reception to her win as other fans do earnestly give her. She was and is a better player than people give her credit for. What is sad, however, is that she proved to be disposable this time around as she was voted out earlier instead of those that had better chances in the game this time around. Main transition: From a huge factor in the game to a non factor in the game.

Ethan thoughts: He was a popular winner and player the first time he played the game where he proved to be quite likable as a result. When he played the second time, he made it furthest out of all of the past winners on that season where they were worried that he would win again and voted him out. This time around, he was the victim of the old school versus new school rift that was going on. He might have even been at risk of being pulled from the game at some point. But he managed, even if he did not get back in the game in the end. Main transition: From a likable winner to a likable early boot.

Rob thoughts: There’s a whole lot that one can say or not say about Rob. When he first played, he made the merge but not the jury as he made too many enemies. The second time around, his villainous ways remained, but it got him only second place. The third time, he was more of a hero this time around, but his game was ultimately cut short in the end.

The fourth time, he finally won both a rematch against his rival from the previous season and the game itself, becoming the only runner-up thus far to win the game on another try at it. When he played the fifth time, he was too much of a threat and everyone knew it so they voted him out earlier than he could have been otherwise. While his edit was strong and it seemed like he could get back into the game, he fell short at both challenges. Thanks to the edge of extinction twist, he finally got to be on the jury. Main transition: From a huge villain to a bit of a lesser one.

Parvati thoughts: One of the most liked players and winners, she first appeared on Cook Islands where being on the wrong side of the numbers got her voted out and sent to the jury. The next time she played the game, her woman’s alliance got her all the way to the end and she won as a result. When she played a third time, she did so well that she might it all the way to the end again, only to get second place this time around. At the time, she had played the most days of any Survivor contestant. When she played this next time, she made it a bit further than other old school players, but she was ultimately on the wrong side of the numbers again and was voted out again. Does anyone know if she has the longest gap of time played between being voted out? It’s either her or Sandra. Main transition: From a wonderful winner to a wonderful vote out.

Yul thoughts: The first time he played, he became the first and I’m pretty sure still only Asian-American man to win the US version of Survivor. His win came after facing off against another well liked player and some might have thought less of him as a result, even if Ozzy got to play more as a result. When he played in this season, blah blah blah, old school player voted out by new school players, blah blah blah, and that is how we wound up where we are now. Main transition: From a struggling player who won to a struggling player who didn’t win.

Wendell thoughts: The first time he played, he very nearly might have lost had a tie-breaker gone a different way than it did in the end. He might come off as a surprise winner due to this. But he still had a lot to learn in general from this. It was after this when he played the next time and this time, his nature didn’t do him much good as he was voted out as a result. And all he wanted was to avoid losing a challenge. Main transition: From a cocky player who won to a cocky player that didn’t.

Adam thoughts: He was one of my favorite players the first around when he played the first time. While I liked other players that season, he won by more than just his mother’s story. This time around, he did not make much of a positive impression on people and he came off as a goof, but not the good kind. He did not have as much to his story and never seemed to have much of a path to victory. Main transition: From a wonderful player to kind of an oddball.

Tyson thoughts: One of only two people thus far to win on their third game, his first game had him go as far as the jury, being blindsided by his own alliance. The second time, a mistake with voting got him voted out by his own hand when he was manipulated to not splitting the votes the right way. The third time around, he had a much improved game and was able to win as a result. This fourth time, he did have some struggles as he was voted out, but won reentry. Sadly, he didn’t stay in the game that long the next time until he returned to the edge of extinction and couldn’t get back in the game again. Main transition: From a lovable goof to a more rounded player.

Original thoughts on Tyson after Blood versus Water: Tyson first appeared in Tocantins. He was one of two contestants to win individual immunity for no reason since a contestant was medically evacuated and no tribal council was held. I don’t really remember his time on Tocantins that well. Anyways, he returned as a villain in Heroes versus Villains and made a dumb move that got him voted out. He returned for this season, Blood versus Water, and played a much better game. Like Rupert, he lasted a long time in the game, although his injury wasn’t focused upon that much so I’m not even he had it that long. He might have recovered from it or he might have had it until day 39. Regardless, he played a great game and really deserved the win. So, he obvious did the best in this season. Main transition: From a dumb guy to a genius winner.

Sophie thoughts: The first time around, she came off as mean but yet won the game in the end even though it was hard to tell who might have even deserved to win after Edna left the game. Some think that she could have actually won this season, but I don’t see it. I couldn’t tell what she had going for her and wasn’t sure if she meant to be more of a floater this time around or if she just didn’t seem to have much to her game this time around. Main transition: From a mean winner to a forgettable player.

Kim thoughts: When she played the first time, she dominated so much that she faced no real danger in the game and didn’t face a bitter jury. She more or less had it locked at the final five unless she wasn’t in the game anymore, but she kept winning immunity at the end. I’m not sure what went wrong with her game this time around, other than it didn’t work out for her even though she lasted a long time in it. Main transition: From a great player who won to a great player that didn’t.

Jeremy thoughts: He could have done well the first time, but this ultimately didn’t happen as he was voted out right after his rival and they had no one left who seemed sure to win until they did. When he was voted back into the game the second time, he dominated and won every jury vote. This time when he played, he found himself on the wrong side of the numbers and only lasted longer once due to his ability to leave tribal council before voting. He didn’t seem as good this time around. Main transition: From a great player to a great threat to win again.

Original thoughts on Jeremy after Cambodia: Jeremy won this season and he could have won his last season if he weren’t such a power player. For some odd reason, nobody saw him as a threat and he coasted clear to the end. He’s the first winner whose only immunity challenge win was the last one. I do wonder if he played a perfect game, but I don’t think that he did. But I’m not sure what the difference is between his two seasons. I mean, he came off great in both seasons; he just only won this one. So I’ll have to say that he did better this season. Main transition: From a great player who didn’t win to a great player who did win.

Nick thoughts: The first time around, he was somehow able to overcome a lot of challenges, which seemed appropriate given the David versus Goliath theme that put him on the underdog tribe at the start of the game. He made it to the end and won against the other Goliaths that he fought against. In this time around, he was an underdog at the very end and it got him voted out as a result as his only remaining ally was immune instead of him. Main transition: From an underdog who won to an underdog who didn’t win.

Denise thoughts: You might not have been able to guess that someone who would have attended all of the tribal councils in a single season could have ended up winning the game in the end, but that is what she did. She was perhaps the ultimate underdog winner of any season thus far. This time around, she dethroned the “queen” and then faded into obscurity. She couldn’t survive any late game advantages and was voted out of the game as a result. Main transition: From a power winner to a player known for just one real move.

Ben thoughts: His first time around, he was able to find so many idols that many are convinced that he got help from production which I don’t believe. Still, his win was not without controversy due to a brand new way of doing the final four that no one could have known was going out outside of the people who did the show who wouldn’t have known at first that Ben would have even needed it. I still like and respect his win, even if it can seem shady. This time around, he made a move that maybe should have been on the dumbest moves of this season awards as he effectively wanted Sarah to prove that she could make a move if she were up against Tony. Main transition: From a hero that won to a hero that fell on his sword.

Sarah thoughts: She could have been a better player the first time around, but she was blindsided by her own ally early after the merge. The second time around, she was able to play a much better game and won as a result. This time around, she seemed overshadowed by other players even as she worked with her old ally again and they could have made it to the end together given a more normal final four. I do not see how she made it out of Tony’s shadow this time, although I’m sure she would have gotten a different edit if she did make it to the end. Main transition: From her own player to a sidekick.

Original thoughts on Sarah after Game Changers: Sarah played first in Cagayan and thought she held all the power, but didn’t. She thought that she could flip her way to a win, but someone else flipped and she was voted out as a result. The next time she played, she actually continued with her flipping back and forth only this time, it actually paid off. It can be a bit surprising that people knew this was going on, yet still gave her the win. Main transition: From a flipper who didn’t win to a flipper who did.

Michele thoughts: I don’t think that she was a controversial winner the first time. Underappreciated is the word that I would use. She never went to tribal council until after the merge and proved that she was more of a threat to win. In my mind, she’s the only one in the final three that season who made since as a winner. This time around, she did complain too much about how fans feel about her and did not seem to make much of an impression as she didn’t get any jury votes. Main transition: From a great winner to a great whiner.

Natalie thoughts: Her game the first time around only seemed to pick up after Jeremy was voted out as she knew who to target and side with after her ally was gone, being able to win as a result. This time around, she became like her sister and was the first voted out of the game. But due to this, she made quite the influence on the rest of the game by finding tons of advantages. When she managed to get back in the game after the final reentry competition, she pulled what could have been an impressive and completely unexpected turnaround that might have gotten serious backlash had she won much like two seasons ago. But she only came in second, being only the second winner to come in second place when playing the game after her win. Main transition: From an unlikely winner to an unlikely finalist.

Tony thoughts: He just might be the king of Survivor now if we are to believe self labels like that. When he played the first time, he proved that villains can be likable and win the game. The second time, he messed up horribly and was voted out second. Learning from his mistakes, he did quite a good game this time around to the point of seeing the end again and winning again, becoming the richest winner thus far in all of Survivor, if only due to an increased payout this time around. Main transition: From a winner to a loser then back to a winner again.

Original thoughts on Tony after Game Changers: Tony might have taken one of the biggest hits this season. We all know the type of player that he is after his first season and he acted like a lunatic near the very beginning. This made him like an outcast on his tribe and got him voted out early after clashing heads with another winner. The first time, he proved that he could be a huge player and yet still win the game. This time, he proved that arrogance goes both ways and it got him an early exit. Main transition: From a great winner to an irrelevant player.

Contestant’s name
First season
Second season
Third season
Fourth season
Winners at War
Was Winners at War
Better than most think
Was Winners at War
Was Winners at War
Not as good
Was Winners at War
Pretty good
Was Winners at War
Was Winners at War
Was Winners at War
Was Winners at War
Was Winners at War
Pretty good
Was Winners at War
Was Winners at War
Was Winners at War
Not as good
Was Winners at War
Was Winners at War
Was Winners at War
Was Winners at War
Was Winners at War
Was Winners at War
Close, but no cigar
Was Winners at War

Well, that’s about it for this post. I might try to figure this out for All-Stars at some point in time. I never did this with the three returning players from Philippines and decided that I won’t go back and do that retroactively yet as there’s no current reason for me to do that anyways. There are many other seasons that I could do at some point in time, but won’t just yet as I’m either not interested or don’t yet see a point in it. Plus, there are a lot of seasons that haven’t been made yet that are certain to have returning players in them. I look forward to them. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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