Sunday, May 17, 2020

Has Jeff Gone Soft on Quitters?

I had thought about doing this post for a while now, but wasn’t entirely sure when I’d do it or how much there was to include in this theory of mine. I think that Jeff Probst isn’t treating quitters as hardly as he should be or used to at times. I will delve more into this theory of mine.

You see, it was only inevitable at some point that people would start quitting the game. I don’t think that anyone would let themselves be part of the show with the idea of quitting in the end. But maybe some do as they want on for a variety of reasons, such as simply promoting themselves. We didn’t have an official quitter until Pearl Islands where it seemed like Jeff was so angry at Osten over the idea that he was going to quit that Osten’s quit was more or less forced as a result. I mean, the whole tribe said that they were going to vote him out and Jeff forwent the vote that would have gone forward in plenty of other seasons before and after it so that his exit was officially a quit.

Jeff might have soften on quitters a bit when Jenna left to be with her dying mother only to be confused by them once Sue left. Janu was a crazy quitter to make it further than any one before her. She also started the terrible precedent that quitters got to be on the jury. Kathy had similar issues to Janu which lead her to quit. But what might be the biggest slap to the face to everyone was when NaOnka and Kelly Shin left right after each other very far into the game. One would think that there might never be more quitters again after that.

It wasn’t that long until Dana played a season and quit. But many wouldn’t see it as that plus it changed the definition of Gary’s exit from Fiji which was never seen as a quit before. She made quitting seem okay again. But there were still issues with it to come.

When Colton played the second time, he ultimately quit for reasons that don’t seem to make as much sense in the edit and came off as making him look even worse as a person than he did before. But this might have been the last time that Jeff was ever mad or upset at someone for quitting. He went soft on quitters from the very next season onward.

When Lindsey quit, Jeff just seemed to understand whatever strange thing she was going to as she didn’t want to stay in the game after the vote out where Cliff was eliminated from the game. But what made me convinced that Jeff was soft on quitters was when Julie quit in the very next season. She had nothing going for her and the other players hated her. Then there was some disagreement with food and she up and left. But Jeff didn’t chastise her for her pathetic decision. He seemed to agree with her in the end. What was up with that?

Bi’s exit was pretty much a nonfactor on Jeff as he didn’t have any tense feelings about it in the end. While he has yet to be present for a new quit, others have happened, albeit with players who were already voted out of the game first. But they still quit.

Sandra’s quit seems to have split the Survivor fans into two halves much like the series finale of How I Met Your Mother split up fans of that show. What should be a simple willing exit from the game is no such thing in the end as Jeff tweeted that he didn’t think that she quit. This is how soft he has gotten on quitters of the show. He refuses to even admit that a Survivor legend couldn’t handle even trying to get back in the game, even though tons of other players who didn’t have a chance of winning their way back into the game still stuck it out until that point. She did quit and he refuses to admit it. He has gone soft on quitters and that tweet is all the proof you need to know that he has.

There’s not too much else to say in this post. I think that Jeff has gone soft on quitters when he just shouldn’t be giving people terrible ideas like that. There are a lot of things that he has done wrong and is doing wrong in the game, but this isn’t something that he should be doing. If you go soft on quitters, they will think that quitting is okay and it will keep happening season after season. I hope that he gets to be better with them if one terrible one happens in the end again. He shouldn’t be soft on quitters. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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