There is something a bit confusing worth mentioning over the gender of Evvie. After the season was filmed, Evvie’s gender identity became gender non binary, although Evvie still accepts she as a pronoun. I will not be using a pronoun to talk about Evvie as I will just say Evvie and avoid pronouns. After all, it worked for a while with Marshall Ericson in regards to Jenkins.
Now let’s get to the one time challenges from the third season. There were only two of them that I could find the whole season. I do like how Survivor fandom has all of this information. I just hope that there will come a time in the future where I don’t need it for this blog anymore as I liked giving up fandom for Lent and almost certainly wouldn’t do that until I done with challenge research and idol reason. I am closer to done than not with idol ones, but not the other.
Movin’ on up (immunity challenge from The Young and Untrusted)- In this challenge, contestants have to relocate their camp and everything in it to another location up a hill. This challenge could not be done while social distancing. But it does seem like a good teamwork based challenge and should be done again at some point in the future.
Puzzle of Shields (immunity challenge from The Twist): In this challenge, all contestants have to do, really, is solve a puzzle. An individual version of this could easily be done while social distancing. If I had to imagine, if this were ever to appear again, they’d combine it with another challenge and this would be the second part, or The Equalizer at 8/7 Central on Sundays unless delayed due to sports.
There are some more things for me to think of as this challenge goes on. I might have to tweet Jeff to see if the person who has the beware advantage can still use the shot in the die. If they can’t use their vote anyways, you’d think that they could still use it. But if they have to give up their vote and don’t have one to give up, then you’d think that they couldn’t use it in the end. I also don’t know if someone is allowed to give their shot in the dark die to another player. I wouldn’t know why anyone would do that, but if they aren’t allowed to, you’d hope that they’d know.
I wonder if the other contestants will regret not taking their chance to get rid of Xander. He could wind up with more advantages and could use it to get rid of Tiffany, someone who walked past the idol at least twice before someone else found it. That might be her ultimate fate. Of course, the editors could be misleading us. They probably do that more than Ryan Seacrest does. They did it long before he did. But enough of my ramblings.
In the first segment of the show, Liana gets emotional over the wasted opportunity to vote out Xander. Tiffany also notices the beware advantage. She noticed that it was just sitting there. Both Evvie and Liana notice this as where. She has to take a secret boat ride later. This is not the same one that Xander has, which I thought that it might be. Liana is upset that she didn’t notice the advantage.
On another tribe, Brad finds a beware advantage. It is also a secret boat ride to a secret location where they will probably do the risk or protect your vote choice. When is the boat ride? Does it stay there all night for them? How many of these are there?
On the blue tribe, Danny’s name was brought up earlier on night one. It is brought up to him now. We also see Naseer being brought up on the tribe as well. Sydney finds the advantage and now has to get on the boat. But what about the other beware advantages in the game?
In the second segment of the show, JD wants people on the internet to shut up about idols being easy to find. Have you looked in a hole in a tree? Or whether cameras keep pointing to? Isn’t that one of the Gibbs rules? Always watch the watchers. JD is now convinced that someone else has the idol. Some think that there isn’t an idol. It turns out that Brad found the idol and Genie notices. He knows that Xander said the phrase. His phrase is: “I didn’t realize this until now, but broccoli is just small trees.” The remaining phrase is: “I’m as confused as a goat on Astroturf.” Brad tells his other ally, Shan, about both of the advantages, with Genie knowing about only one of them. He creates a fake body in his bed before leaving on the boat. He thinks that it is like Ferris Bueller’s Day off.
All three of them make it to twist island. They have to choose between a tarp or a steal a vote. If they all choose a tarp, they all get that. If they all chose steal a vote, they all lose it. If it is a split decision, only those that chose to steal a vote will get something. Sydney chooses a tarp to not risk her vote. Brad wants to play the game by choosing steal a vote. Tiffany is unsure so she waits for now. She openly talked about wanting to steal a vote. But what if she chooses Xander’s and he still can’t vote? Would she get nothing at all?
In the third segment of the show, we return to each of the people looking at their treemail. Only Brad got something from it. The women picked tarps and got nothing as a result. We then get to the tribes gathering for the immunity challenge. Brad mentions his secret phrase which he kind of butchers, but I guess counts in some sort of way? Did he get it anywhere close to right? Xander does his part by saying his thing again as well. Both first and second place tribes get fruit.
At the challenge, Brad and Xander have a moment together acknowledging what they said. The yellow tribe struggles a lot during this challenge once again. JD totally fails at the challenge when he takes over. It soon becomes an equal challenge between all three tribes. The yellow tribe gets their first win when they come in second. The green tribe will be voting someone out.
In the fourth segment of the show, Brad has two advantages, but can’t use either one. He still wants to influence the vote by getting JD voted out. He gets caught with an advantage due to being sloppy and now people can’t trust him. Both Shan and Ricard know about the extra vote. They think that they can’t trust JD or Brad. But Brad might offer better moral for the camp. JD talks to Shan about why he didn’t mention the advantage. He wants to give her the advantage, which could be one of the biggest mistakes in Survivor history. Shan thinks that she now has JD in her pocket. She doesn’t want to get rid of family and isn’t sure that she wants to let anyone go.
In the fifth segment of the show, we get to tribal council. Shan talks about how she doesn’t want to vote anyone out. Has she still not decided? And could she use the extra vote? I don’t think that she can even if JD is voted out. JD feels that he did poorly at the challenge. Ricard thinks that he would go with an alliance over keeping the tribe strong. Brad thinks that they have to build trust. JD admits that he thinks that he lost trust in the game. JD thinks that he is the wrong person to be voted out as it could make things worse for others. JD likes the show Survivor and says it is part of what made him who he is. He is glad that he got to do it. JD doesn’t use the die that he could. Brad is voted out with JD getting a vote as well. But who voted for JD? It wasn’t Brad. Was it Shan?
On the next Survivor, something crazy is happening on the yellow tribe, Sydney is doing something crazy and getting emotional, JD isn’t sure how he can trust “her” again, and something seems to be like one is volunteering for a challenge or something like that. I missed who voted for who. I wonder why we did not see Genie’s thoughts on any of the vote throughout the episode.
Total confessional count: Deshawn- 5, Brad- 7, JD- 9, Tiffany- 8, Sydney- 5, Shan- 7, Liana- 6, Heather- 0, Erika- 2, Genie- 2, Ricard- 7, Xander- 5, Evvie- 8, Danny- 6, Naseer- 5.
New confessionals this episode: Naseer- 1, Deshawn- 1, Brad- 5, JD- 2, Tiffany- 2, Sydney- 3, Shan- 3, Liana- 2, Heather- 0, Erika- 0, Genie- 1, Ricard- 1, Xander- 0, Evvie- 0, Danny- 0.
Now I have no idea what might be going on with the beware advantage. Will they have to replace the one that Brad had? I’m guessing that they would have to. Or maybe only two advantages would work and be part of the game? I’m guessing that we’ll just have to see. And what else will appear on Twist Island? I also have the feeling that I should write a post now on the greed that happens in Survivor. That could be another twist: an island that deals with all of the seven deadly sins, such as greed, or one that deals with something like temptation, but not be a repeat of what FOX owns and thus couldn’t be use or at least, not under that same name. Greed doesn’t pay. It seems to be more likely to cause a Survivor’s downfall than pride is. Of course, they are about the same thing in Survivor, if not really. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.
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