Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Episode 41.4

One of the things that was an issue with the upcoming schedule could have been an issue if I were still using the old laptop. While I have switched to a newer one, I still had it as an option if I wanted to use it to blog about Survivor on this instead of that one. I might have done that since I have been recording shows that compete against Survivor. I finished using my laptop to record the rest of Riverdale’s current season before the new one starts shortly thereafter. And this was after a midseason hiatus that wound up lasting longer than the one between seasons. I will now be keeping up with Legends of Tomorrow instead in its place while still giving priority to Survivor. Some of the recording order and potential might change during Advent and Lent, but I wouldn’t be so sure of that. I can only hope there aren’t issues with what I would like to keep up with.

Let’s get to the one time challenges from the fourth season. I realize that it is possible that I might have to skip seasons when doing these looks at one time challenges in the off chance that a season did not have a challenge in it that never reappeared. I’ll let you know if that’s why I skipped it.

Coconut Maze Run (immunity challenge from No Pain, No Gain): In this challenge, contestants have to move their coconuts through a maze using a pulley system, switching callers once each one is through. I have no idea if this could be done while social distancing as I’d have to see it done again. I would guess not, but maybe it could be. I bet that some people wouldn’t like having to mess with their coconuts on national TV at an essential part of the game that must be shown.

Life’s a Tapestry (immunity challenge from The Winds Twist): In this challenge, all the contestants had to do was solve a tapestry puzzle. I’d have to see this done again to know if it would even be a challenge that works at all. Maybe this could be done while social distancing? I don’t know how a tribal challenge could be done that way most of the time.

Go Fly a Kite (reward challenge from Jury’s Out): In this challenge, contestants have to fly a kite to the height of 300 feet to win. This could easily be done while social distancing. I wouldn’t know if they would have a challenge this simple again in Survivor as there wasn’t much to it. But since a lot of the challenges nowadays, especially post merge, are just watching the contestants stand around without doing much of anything waiting for all of them to drop outside of the winner, than I’m surprised this hasn’t been done again in the show’s history.

High Stepping (immunity challenge from Two Peas in a Pod): In this challenge, contestants had to walk on stilts in some way against the other player and avoid being the one to fall off. This could not be done while social distancing.

After doing some quick research, it turns out that what I’ve been calling twist island is actually called the summit. It is good to know the official name for things. Now all of these twists at once are going to be really complicated to keep track of. For one, what if the vote steal is used on you? Does that mean that you can’t use the shot in the dark die since you can’t give up your vote? Also, I did some research and it was Genie that voted against JD last week. If I had to guess, this could be the she that JD isn’t sure he can trust again. But we’ll have to wait until this episode airs to see what the pronoun game is about. Enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, we return to the tribe with Genie upset that she was out of the group decision and voted for the wrong person. Shan reveals to Genie that there was an extra vote that Brad had. JD is upset about this. He gets his extra vote back. He is convinced that fool me once, shame on, shame on you. Fool me, you can’t get fooled again. Maybe Shan was the she he was talking about from the promo last week.

We then get to the reward challenge. The first place tribe will get a visitor who can teach them about how to survive. The second place tribe only gets a fish. That’s the reward? It’s just a fucking fish! At the reward, Heather, who we are finally seeing for the first time ever, struggles bigly at the challenge which leaves the green and yellow tribes fighting for first and the blue tribe not even in this. Heather is just not quick enough at the challenge. The green tribe comes in first. The yellow tribe easily gets second. She gets upset over her loss, crying in front of everyone. But everyone pulls for her. She doesn’t like being a failure and is the oldest person here this season, I think. Jeff then tells people to apply for Survivor. I think that they have enough white people for a few future seasons. Otherwise, I might.

In the second segment of the show, the Yaser or yellow tribe, despite only getting second, seems to be celebrating their victory pretty well. Tiffany gives a speech about this as they get their fish. And they enjoy turtles that seem to fight really hard and be very quick.

The green tribe enjoys their man named Nathan who teaches them a lot of different things. Ricard now wants to get rid of Genie since he thinks that they can survive well without her. Meanwhile on the blue tribe, Erika is eager for a tribal council to vote someone out. Does this mean that she will be voted out next from this tribe? Or is she actually in control? Erika tells Deshawn that she wants to vote out Sydney. He wants to vote out Erika and tells Sydney about this. Sydney thinks that people just hate her in order to hate her. The haters gonna hate. Just shake it off, shake it off.

In the third segment of the show, the people on the blue tribe continue talking about voting out Erika and Deshawn suggests to Danny that they throw the challenge. Danny doesn’t want to do this. I bet that if he were on the White Sox, he wouldn’t hesitate to let the mob dictate what would happen. But he is not a baseball player. He plays football. They have to remember that they lose their flint if they lose the challenge. Heather sits out the challenge.

It would seem that the blue tribe is doing well outside of Deshawn’s effort. He is upset that the yellow tribe is doing so bad so that he can’t throw it as well. He reties knots and they still get them undone. He does bad at the ring throwing part. But Naseer starts tossing instead. The yellow tribe comes from behind and gets first place. JD struggles on the green tribe leading to Naseer getting second place for his tribe. Deshawn is upset at the loss. This sends the green tribe to tribal council. Shan gives a confessional after the challenge and wants to vote out the overconfident JD.

In the fourth segment of the show, a lot of things happen at total drama island. Shan wants to get JD to give the advantage to her. She is concerned about what JD might want to do. She wants to get rid of JD and keep the extra vote for herself. Genie wants to use the shot in the dark die. Shan wants to be an assassin, but not a villain. She keeps using this song in her head. It is actually being done out loud for others to hear. Does anyone know if this is a real song? I might like to look it up sometime. If you have the link to it, please put it here. She is torn between voting out Genie and voting out JD. But there is only a one in six chance that Genie would be safe from a shot in the dark die. And I don’t think that JD’s quote about never trusting her again has been said though, right?

In the fifth segment of the show, Genie feels defeated. Ricard gets hurt at every vote out. Shan thinks that it isn’t easy to vote people out after all. Sandra would disagree. JD wonders how people would know about certain things. Genie talks about being blindsided. People are scrambling. Genie thinks that all of the other people on the tribe are voting against her. JD wants people to say what they are going to do. Jeff points out how complicated that statement was. No one wants to go home.

JD doesn’t think that he’s playing the game he wants to be playing. Jeff points out that he doesn’t know what the journey was without perspective in the game. People try to convince Genie that others are with her. But they have to remember that there’s a 5 in 6 chance that her die does nothing. People think that they have bonded a lot on this tribe. Shockingly, Genie didn’t play her die. JD gets voted out of the tribe after all. And Shan’s con was a success. She can keep the advantage, right?

On the next Survivor, people are fending for themselves, Genie gets a beware advantage, they look through Xander’s things and find his advantage, wanting him out, and someone is concerned about the women having the numbers on a tribe. Will we see the blue tribe again at all?

Total confessional count: Erika- 3, Genie- 5, Ricard- 8, Xander- 5, Evvie- 9, Danny- 9, Naseer- 5, Deshawn- 7, JD- 12, Tiffany- 9, Sydney- 6, Shan- 9, Liana- 6, Heather- 1.

New confessionals this episode: Liana- 0, Heather- 1, Erika- 1, Genie- 3, Ricard- 1, Xander- 0, Evvie- 1, Danny- 3, Naseer- 0, Deshawn- 2, JD- 3, Tiffany- 1, Sydney- 1, Shan- 2.

JD had the most confessionals with twelve. The next highest is a tie with nine between Tiffany, Shan, Evvie, and Danny. Despite having her first confessional, Heather is still the lowest with just one. Now as for this episode, we see a string of people with zero confessionals among Liana, Naseer, and Xander. The highest was a tie between JD, Genie, and Danny. The people with two are Deshawn and Shan.

Now I might have a family visit coming soon that could interfere with this blog being posted on time. I have a planned workaround for that in case I need to do that. I’m still going to go ahead and post the planned blog post schedule for November.

Planned November blog posts 








Not November

1: freebie

2: Madam Secretary

3: Survivor

4: The Good Fight

5: The Good Wife

6: TV

7: CSI: Vegas (maybe)

8: CSI: Cyber

9: The Good Wife

10: Survivor

11: freebie

12: CSI: Vegas (maybe)

13: TV

14: TV

15: Elementary

16: Survivor (maybe)

17: Survivor

18: freebie

19: Survivor (maybe)

20: Madam Secretary

21: CSI: Vegas (maybe)

22: Madam Secretary

23: Survivor (maybe)

24: Survivor

25: freebie

26: Survivor (maybe)

27: TV

28: CSI: Vegas (maybe)

29: freebie

30: Survivor (maybe)

Not November

Not November

Not November

Not November

I don’t think that I’ll be able to blog about any other seasons of Survivor yet before this year is over. But I am hoping that at least one post will be made on the season of China sometime this year. There are at least two rules that I’m hoping to apply to it that I’ll explain in that season’s post. Well, maybe three of them. Hopefully it will make more sense then. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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