With all this sharing of old post posts in this blog, you might be wondering, what if I wanted to share old blog posts of this blog somewhere? Well, this may happen in either my Good Fight blog or my CSI: Vegas blog, if not both. Or there could be even more blogs to share this one in, depending on what happens. I am not planning to do that many new ones and only know what could happen, but not what will.
Let’s get to the one time challenges from the twenty-third season. Like other seasons filmed in Samoa, there is a coconut theme to some of the challenges themselves. There’s only three of them this time as most of them had been done before.
Coconut Conundrum (immunity challenge from I Need Redemption): In this challenge, tribes would race to go through pathways that zig zag, over a wall, dig up a machete, cut ropes to release coconuts, then shoot those coconuts into a net to raise the tribe flag and win the challenge. I think that if this were a relay race or individual challenge, it could be done while social distancing.
Coconut Cradle (immunity challenge from Double Agent): In this challenge, contestants would stand on a perch with a coconut between two ropes. The rope length would increase over time. This could be done while social distancing.
Batman Wall (immunity challenge from Then There were Five): In this challenge, a rope would be used to climb a wall to get five bags of puzzle pieces. These pieces would have to be paired up to find the three that are unmatchable. Once these pieces are found, they would reveal a numeric code that would unlock a box at the top of the wall that would then win them the challenge once it’s unlocked. This could be done while social distancing.
У випуску Time від 23 і 30 грудня 2019 року була опублікована стаття про «Охоронці року», починаючи зі сторінки 74 цього номера. У ньому зазначалося, що ці люди є «державними службовцями», які «служять країні над собою». Хоча ми, можливо, ніколи не дізнаємося напевно, хто є викривачем, ми знаємо, що багато важливих людей мають відношення до першого імпічменту Трампа.
Підполковник Олександр Віндман був важливою особою для цього, оскільки він підслухав дзвінок, і «після цього він повідомив про свої проблеми адвокатам Білого дому». Зрештою за це його звільнили. Такою ж була і Марі Йованович, тодішній посол в Україні. На сторінці 88 вказується, що вона «була мішенню наклепницької кампанії, яку проводили Трамп та його союзники». Сторінка 80 зазначає, що «[Руді] Джуліані просив зустрітися з новою українською адміністрацією і закликав [нового президента цієї країни] Зеленського розпочати розслідування щодо суперників Трампа».
Пізніше людям стало зрозуміло, що повстанець «домагався розслідування Байдена, перш ніж допомогти новому українському уряду», як йдеться на сторінці 82. Імпічмент міг навіть негативно вплинути на сенаторів, які балотуються на пост президента, допомагаючи забезпечити висунення Байдена та стати наступником Трампа, чого Трамп не хотів би, але тепер гарантував, що це станеться, навіть не усвідомлюючи цього. Хоча докази корупції були очевидні для демократів, лише один республіканець того року проголосував за імпічмент.
There was a lot that I talked about in this old post in my Madam Secretary blog. I talked some about alternating what blogs to post and update. I don’t do that as much now anymore, but could. All it would take is a roll of Survivor on Saturday. I risked that not too long ago, but that wasn’t what happened as I had my first legit roll of home videos instead.
I talked some about Brad Kern, the showrunner for the third season of Charmed until the end and part of NCIS: New Orleans. While he was at times a great writer for Charmed, I can no longer think of him as a good person. He was fired from NCIS: New Orleans when allegations against him came to light. It would explain the departure of Shannon Doherty from Charmed and the departures of Zoe McLellan and Shalita Grant from NCIS: New Orleans. I also touched some upon “pranks” that are actually crimes.
Now there are two things to discuss from the NFL still in this blog before the season ends. I might even talk some about my facebook group regarding it. For now, I’m going to mention the winning streaks of NFL teams from before the 2016 season (that is, the 2015 season) to maybe the 2021 season. I’ll list all of the teams that had a winning season in 2015. I’ll work backwards to see their last losing season that each of them had before that. And I’ll see who still has winning seasons today of all of them.
The teams with winning seasons in 2015 are the Chiefs, Cardinals, Panthers, Bengals, Broncos, Packers, Texans, Vikings, Patriots (ugh), Jets, Steelers, Seahawks, and Redskins, now known as the Commanders. Looking to see which seasons they each has a losing record previous to this was this: Chiefs (2012), Cardinals (2012), Panthers (2014), Bengals (2010), Broncos (2011), Packers (2013* or 2008), Texans (2013), Vikings (2014), Patriots (2000), Jets (2014), Steelers (2013), Seahawks (2011), and Commanders (2014). Now let’s see who kept having winning seasons after 2015.
*Would have been an 8-8 tie with winning season counting due to a tie game counting instead of a eighth loss that it could have been, making the record 8-7-1
Looking forward now, the following seasons were losing seasons for the teams: the Commanders (2016* or 2017), Cardinals (2016), Panthers (2016), Bengals (2016), Broncos (2017), Packers (2017), Texans (2017), Chiefs (none or present, ongoing streak), Vikings (2016), Patriots (2020), Jets (2016), Steelers (2019), and Seahawks (2021). This means that the Chiefs are currently the NFL team with the longest streak of winning seasons that’s ongoing. It wasn’t true when I thought it was in my Madam Secretary blog. But it is true now. Anyways, more NFL talk will be in the next post as I don’t have time for it in this one. I’ll get through the ranking of tier one teams I root for then.
*Same note as for the Packers re 2013 winning season
Movie update: On Friday, I watched Monsters Inc. I replaced it with Popeye. On Saturday, I watched Front of the Class. I replaced it with Flight of the Phoenix. On Sunday, I didn’t watch any of either lists’ movies largely due to pink eye. And yet I did watch things on Friday and Saturday when I also had it. I don’t know why I do things sometimes. Anyways, on Monday, I watched a nature documentary. And there are still more of them to be watched so that won’t change from the list just yet. And on Tuesday, I am once again unable to see a movie from that list. I may wind up having to dissolve that list when one of the options on it winds up passing an as of yet unknown time limit likely in July if I can’t see a certain choice on that list before then. I also didn’t finish Monday’s movie until Wednesday yet again.
I was shocked to find out that both Batwoman and Legends of Tomorrow were cancelled. I had talked about liking these shows in this blog. Both of them ended on cliffhangers. The cliffhanger regarding Batwoman wasn’t much of one since it was just setting up a potential future villain. That show was at some point supposed to have a crossover with Superman and Lois at some point so maybe this will happen in the end. I can only hope that Legends of Tomorrow gets wrapped up via crossover as they ended that with the characters arrested by time cops. That’s a terrible way to end a show, even if it was always about outlaws in a way. But enough of my ramblings.
In the first segment of the show, the first group gets back from tribal council and talks about how glad they were about the vote going the way it was. Omar feels that Mike isn’t weary enough of Hai. Hai has been running things. The next group comes back with Drea saying that she’ll be playing as hard as it is going to be even though she still has advantages. Lindsay doesn’t think that Jonathan is playing as good as he can. She then looks for an idol. She doesn’t find it as Maryanne does.
We then get to the reward challenge. That’s right. Those exist on their own sometimes. There is a lot of rain. Let the rain pour down. Everywhere you want to. It is Lindsay that wins reward. She now gets to go to the sanctuary. She picks Omar who hasn’t gotten a reward and then Mike. The boat won’t get them until later tonight, meaning they all have to go back to camp together at first.
In the second segment of the show, the players are miserable. The experience of being out there in the rain isn’t as easy as it looks on TV. Does it look easy on TV? Hai talks about being brought to the US as a refugee. At the sanctuary, the three people there see videos from their loved ones. Omar then tells a lie about Hai to make it seem like Hai is against Mike. Lindsay then talks about her amulet to the others while saying who else has it. They want to target Hai now.
In the third segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge. If you hit New Year’s you will be out of the challenge. Put your ball on the bow. You are good. You can grab your balls. Drea grabs her ball once she is out. Lindsay is solid with her ball. Jonathan’s ball is moving a lot. He has to get control of his ball. He recovers his ball. Jonathan doesn’t lose out despite his ball being on the move constantly. It is Lindsay that wins immunity in the end. Mike is convinced that King Hai will be dethroned tonight.
In the fourth segment of the show, Hai wants to get rid of Jonathan. Mike talks to Hai. Mike says that he isn’t anybody’s puppet. But he is Omar’s. Mike tells Jonathan that he’s the target by Hai and that they should vote out Hai. Lindsay thinks that everyone but Hai is on board with the plan to vote out Hai. Hai tells Jonathan that the vote is for Romeo, claiming that an idol will be played for Jonathan. Jonathan then relays this plan to Omar. Omar thinks about actually working with Hai to vote out Jonathan. What is he doing? Forget about shot in the dark. This seems more like shot in the foot. But maybe now is a good time to get out Jonathan as others might be on board with this.
In the fifth segment of the show, we get to tribal council. There didn’t seem to be much fallout from the reward. A lie about no strategy being discussed is told. Romeo doesn’t think that it is true. People have to deal with the worst part of their lives being what’s on Survivor at times due to the climate and all that. It seems like there is a lot of scrambling constantly going on. It is like Jenga. The vote is like making an even playing field. No one ever wants to odd the playing field. Jonathan doesn’t know what this means, evening the playing field. There are eight different perspectives. The votes are cast and there is nothing played. Hai is voted out after all. Maybe his name should now be Bi. Bye, Hai!
On the next Survivor, there is a straight line to the final four. There is a dangerous twist to the challenge. Are they doing the do or die again? Ugh. Many names are potentially brought up as the target because it is rare for them to be straightforward about who is getting voted out next and why.
Total confessional count: Maryanne- 18, Mike- 26, Drea- 17, Jonathan- 14, Omar- 27, Lindsay- 13, Romeo- 14, Hai- 22. New confessionals this episode: Hai- 4, Maryanne- 2, Mike- 5, Drea- 2, Jonathan- 1, Omar- 3, Lindsay- 4, Romeo- 1.
Well, I can’t talk about too much else as the season is winding down. There’s so much going on and I can’t tell who might be the winner. There’s too much misdirection as it seems like there are doubts of a lot of them and no clear person in charge. Maybe there is a person hiding there. Maybe it is more likely obvious than not. Or maybe it could be someone with a bit of a more negative edit in some way. I can’t tell who might win. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.
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