Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Episode 42.10

Since I never seem to tire of telling you sometimes which shows on what day of the week that I watch, then I might as well tell you the Tuesday shows that I watch since one of them is an Arrowverse show. That show is Superman and Lois. I also watch FBI, FBI: International, and FBI: Most Wanted on CBS. I watch the penultimate season of New Amsterdam on NBC and would watch Mr. Mayor more if only it didn’t air against so much other shows that I like. I watch The Resident on FOX.


Let’s get to the one time challenges from the twenty-fourth season. Some of them were coconuts as they featured them a lot in the challenge like all seasons done in Samoa. I should note that it seems a bit odd that instead of coconuts being featured in challenges a lot, it is balls that Jeff is obsessed with. Is he bi? He has had female romantic partners, but not any men as far as I know. Maybe he just likes balls. I think that straight men can feel that way.


D.I.Y. Knots (reward challenge from Total Dysfunction): In this challenge, the tribes would each have a crate containing a metal ring inside a huge knot. Once you got the ring out, you would win. If this were done individually, then this could easily be done while social distancing.


Coco Connection (reward challenge from Bum-Puzzled): In this challenge, a coconut is flung through a slingshot on a grid. If you get a diagonal, column, or row, you would win the challenge. This could easily be done while social distancing..


Puzzle Relay (immunity challenge from Bum-Puzzled): In this challenge, the players would have to solve a puzzle and collect a key with the last contestant unlocking all the keys and raising their tribe flag. I think that any relay could potentially be done while social distancing. I should note that this is infamous for being an immunity challenge where the win was given up to the other tribe.


Coco Pops (reward challenge from Thanks for the Souvenir): In this challenge, contestants would have to run to the top of boxes where they will find coconuts then bounce them off of a trampoline to break targets on the other side and need to break all five targets. I think that this could potentially be done while social distancing. I’d have to see it done again to know for sure.


Sea turtles (reward challenge from The Beauty in a Merge): In this challenge, contestants would have to collect puzzle bags which others would then have to solve. This could probably be done while social distancing. I’m pretty sure this was supposed to be the immunity challenge in the previous episode, but that didn’t happen due to Colton’s medical evacuation.


7UP (reward challenge from Just Annihilate Them): In this challenge, teams would have to go down a huge water slide and get a crate. Once all of their crates are gotten, they would have to solve a puzzle with them. I think that versions of this could be done while social distancing.


Spinning wheel (reward challenge from It’s Human Nature): In this challenge, the contestants would have to spin around a post to get each disc where they get numbers in a combination and pull a lever to get a flag to raised. I can’t tell much about how this is supposed to work since the challenge is so poorly worded on fandom. Maybe this could work while social distancing.


Є дві речі, про які можна поговорити з номера журналу Time від 3 лютого 2020 року. Один із них ставив просте запитання: «Чи можна усунути президента з посади, якщо не було злочину?» Анотація про це була на сторінці 12 розглядуваного питання. Менеджери з імпічменту в Палаті представників зазначають, що ідея «про те, що злочин, який підлягає імпічменту, має включати злочинну поведінку, спростовується двовіковими прецедентами і, якщо буде прийнято, матиме нестерпні наслідки».


У статті говориться, що «ідея про те, що поведінка під час імпічменту не обов’язково є фактичним злочином, добре встановлена», а сам Олександр Гамільтон пише, що така річ стосується «зловживання чи порушення певної суспільної довіри та шкоди, завданої безпосередньо самому суспільству». Алан Дершовіц, власний адвокат Трампа, навіть сказав під час імпічменту Клінтон, якщо «хтось... повністю розбещує офіс... хто зловживає довірою і представляє велику небезпеку для нашої свободи, вам не потрібен технічний злочин, щоб отримати імпічмент». Зайве говорити, що тепер він хотів повернути це назад, коли його колись добрі переконання в кінці кінців більше не збігаються з його сьогоденням. Кожен тупий республіканець тепер має розумну версію себе в минулому.


Інша відповідна частина цього питання вказує на сторінці 16 у статті про Хакіма Джеффріса, одного з керуючих імпічментом Палати представників, що «Для Республіканської партії ризик [не засудити Трампа з посади лежить] у тому, щоб викликати принциповий захист навколо [короля] Трамп], який, зробивши [республіканську] партію своєю, можливо, позбавив її принципу». І це говорить про те, що спочатку навіть був один.


In this old link from my Madam Secretary blog, I talk about Once Upon a Time and Elementary. I also had mentioned some of a slightly different delay that I didn’t realize at the time was largely the same. I was also posting this blog in the wrong order and at wrong time as in too late.


I don’t have time to get into all of the tier one of football teams that I root for yet this time, but I will go through which ones all of them are in this time while putting off the ranking again until potentially next time. The teams that I root for are Titans, Chiefs, 49ers, Raiders, Colts, Broncos, Steelers, and Chargers. Why would I root for all of them?


Well, the Titans, Chiefs, and Colts are all local teams with the Rams not being the local team anymore. The 49ers beat the Rams during the regular season of the Rams being back in LA first. The Steelers and Broncos were the first game I saw after the Rams move was approved with the Broncos winning. The Broncos were also the first team to beat the Rams during preseason and the winners of the Super Bowl the previous year.  The Raiders and the Chargers would have moved instead of the Rams had the Rams move not been approved instead.


There were two teams that had voted against the move of the Rams to LA while all of the other teams approved of it. And while there are other potentials as to who those two teams could have been with it possibly still being unknown, those make the most sense. The last two got to move from their old cities anyways, one of them to LA in the end.


Movie update: On Friday, yet another family visit meant no movie once again. Or that was more of how the day was supposed to go. My mother was sick and I wound up watching more shows that I have recorded on my laptop instead of any movie this time around. On Saturday, with the family visit not yet going on, I was able to watch Kingsman: The Golden Circle. I replaced that with The Little Mermaid. On Sunday, I watched no movies from either list due to the finally happening family visit. On Monday, I watched another nature documentary. There’s still one left after that. On Tuesday, I had to once again watch shows on my laptop instead of a movie.


While it shouldn’t be long until we know the fate of most, if not all, shows on TV and the schedules for the next season, I can’t help but wonder if there will be a Booster Gold TV show that the CW will have next season. It could explain more of how he became a fixer, why he wanted to bolt, and what all will happen next to him and the remaining Legends after this. I might want some resolution to at least the show Legends of Tomorrow so maybe there will be a finale movie special? I can only hope. But enough of my ramblings.


In the first segment of the show, people talk about the vote out and how the amulet is more powerful. The game is getting spicy. Would people want spice on Survivor? They might. That’s weird. Also weird: Maryanne talks about losing her pinky toenail all the time. She thinks that this is normal for it to happen a lot. I wouldn’t think so. Mike misquotes the Shakespeare line by asking where Romeo is as Romeo becomes the target by others. Wherefore art thou actually means why and not where. Drea’s name is also brought up as a target as well. Mike has become the new Hai. Mike is also a target now.


In the second segment of the show, Jonathan is kind of lazy as he eats less so he doesn’t eat more than the other tribe members. He claims that he struggles a lot. But then he helps with the fishing, but gets irritated with others. They blame this on him being hangry. And now he is another target. And all of this targeting may be for not due to the do or die. Also, they are applying for more Survivor contestants even as they should have already filmed Survivor 43: Moderna versus Pfizer versus Johnson and Johnson.


In the third segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge and the twist involved with it. There is some unseen contestant narrating about this. I think it was Romeo, but am not sure. In the end, the only two people that decide to compete are Lindsay and Jonathan, meaning that one of them will win immunity and the other will do or die. During the challenge, a fly lands on Maryanne. Does the fly still mean what it used to or has it lost its meaning since Natalie won San Juan del Sur? Or has it regained its meaning ever since it landed on Mike Pounce during the vice-presidential debate? While it seems like Jonathan takes his hand off at times, he isn’t disqualified and just barely wins the challenge.


In the fourth segment of the show, Lindsay is upset that she competed in the challenge. But what would have happened if she hadn’t played? It would have only been Jonathan competing. But then what would have happened with the do or die? Would they have to redraw as if the first round never happened or act as if that choice was never even there? With so many complications going into the tribal council, Drea tells others about the knowledge is power advantage with Omar once again possibly in control of everything, maybe just in his mind or maybe in reality too. Drea thinks that she could be in danger. A plan could get rid of Mike’s idol. We can’t tell too much else about other things as I missed some of what I wanted to cover in these notes.


In the fifth segment of the show, we finally get to tribal council after a very long commercial break. Jeff asks why people needed to compete in the challenge. Jonathan knows that he’s a target. Lindsay says that her decision was poor. Mike think that she’s a warrior. Shooting at the walls of heartache. Bang bang bang. I am the warrior. Omar talks about his strengths in the game. Mike thinks that people know the ins and outs of the game. Jonathan was talking to various people. People go to the water well, but don’t get water or get wood without any visible signs of wood. Well, it would be embarrassing if there was visible sign of wood to other people.


After Drea’s horrible movie vibe, they have to realize whether or not someone is getting voted out of the game after all. Mike says that people may say the wrong thing unintentionally and feelings could get hurt. I do that a lot and feel bad when I do provided that people go about the right way talking about it so I can respond in a good way myself. Lindsay gets to make her decision. She picks the middle box and Jeff opens the one on the right. She is offered to switch as her backup plan was a skull revealed. She goes against the odds again, but it is right again.


Drea then plays her knowledge is power advantage. Jeff knows who has what. Mike doesn’t have an idol since Omar revealed this advantage to him. Omar has the idol like he planned. No idols or advantages are played this time around. An extra vote must have been played as Drea is voted out. She gets a much better exit from the other players then we’ve seen before as she gives final words to all of them. She gives a dramatic no. It’s like Dib in Zim Eats Waffles. NNNNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!! Whatever. There has never been this much fierce game play and comradery before.


On the next Survivor, the Super Tight Four might be breaking up, nothing can leak (so something more than likely will), and other things that I missed some of. It is interesting how far those four players have made it thus far.


Total confessional count: Romeo- 17, Maryanne- 20, Mike- 32, Drea- 21, Jonathan- 17, Omar- 30, Lindsay- 16. New confessionals this episode: Omar- 3, Lindsay- 3, Romeo- 3, Maryanne- 2, Mike- 6, Drea- 4, Jonathan- 3.


It seems that the Super Tight Four might not last even though they have a majority over the last two players in the game. We have Strong Jonathan, Cunning Omar, Eccentric Maryanne, and Thoughtful Lindsay. What will happen when they start to turn on each other? Stay tuned for the conclusion here in one week. Same Survivor time. Same Survivor channel. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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