Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Episode 42.11

As we near the end of the season, I look forward to what the upcoming season of TV will look like. I also look forward to a general lull of not as many new programs to watch and care about so I can get more caught up on what I have recorded, which will be good given the cancelled shows to watch so I’m done and over with them and the one show that I have a lot of on tape that was renewed for a season 3 that I just don’t think that I’ll stay into once I’m done seeing what I’ve recorded of it. This is the peril of having a full time job that sucks a lot of time out of you, but leaves you with so much money that you don’t know what to do with it and just put money into your various bank accounts for later.


Let’s get to the one time challenges from the twenty-fifth season. I can’t think of much of a theme to any of these challenges so I won’t say much about them in the end. But here’s the section as there won’t be many others I can get in before having to take another break from them.


Manila Folders (challenge from Don’t be Blinded by the Headlights): In this challenge, pairs will pull a sled of foldable puzzle pieces. The fifth will act as a caller to form a puzzle. It is possible that some of the ways this could be changed would make this possible to be done while social distancing possibly.


Snare the Drum (reward challenge from Whiners are Wieners): In this challenge, contestants must flip over drums in a circle so that all of the colors are the same or all at the same time while preventing the other team from doing so. As this could be done physically, it can’t be done while social distancing.


Mud Slinging (reward challenge from Shot into Smithereens): In this challenge, contestants compete with their loved ones (which could be changed to pairs or even done individually) by throwing a ball covered in mud to their loved ones who has to knock over five targets from pedestals. I think that there are versions of this that could be done while social distancing.


Fish and Game (immunity challenge from Shot into Smithereens): In this challenge, contestants must cross a rope bridge then use a hook to get buoys out of a water that have a bag of sticks in it. These sticks must be tied together to knock over a target which will release a flag to win the challenge. This could be done while social distancing.


Sliders (reward challenge from Gouge My Eyes out): In this challenge, contestants must slide into the ocean, get five rings, then get toss the rings on each different pole. If there is a slide for each player and five different poles for each player as well, then this could easily be done while social distancing.


Dragon Slayer (reward challenge from Million Dollar Question): In this challenge, each player races through an obstacle course, collects three bags of puzzle pieces, return to the start, and solve a dragon themed puzzle. This might be the first challenge to be named after a Survivor nickname. I do believe that this could be done while social distancing.


У статті, написаній Брайаном Беннетом у випуску Time від 17 лютого 2020 року, згадується, що сталося з Трампом після фіктивного процесу імпічменту, коли вони навіть не викликали жодного свідка. Який суд без свідків? У перший раз, коли його «виправдали» від імпічменту, це було незважаючи на те, що це могло «вивільнити здатність президента використовувати величезні повноваження федерального уряду для своїх політичних цілей». Якщо «Кен Хьюз, експерт зі зловживання президентською владою» знає щось подібне, ми повинні взяти до уваги. У цій статті на сторінці 12 вказується, що сам Трамп «запустив розслідування імпічменту, тиснувши на Україну, щоб вона допомогла йому у 2020 році».


У статті вказано, що постійний негативний рейтинг Трампа був пов’язаний із «майже постійними скандалами та розслідуваннями його президентства, багато з яких він сам зробив». У цій статті під назвою «Сміливість Трампа доводить свою справу до 2020 року» вказується, що «він єдиний сучасний президент, який ніколи не проходив 50%» з точки зору рейтингу схвалення. Там написано сучасний, але міг би сказати колись.


Навіть Гаррі Трумен, який мав найнижчий рейтинг схвалення, не міг претендувати на таке найвище схвалення, як у Трампа. Жоден президент не може. Після цього Трамп мав промову про стан Союзу. Я його не дивився, але в ньому було вказано, що він сказав: «Якби ми не змінили невдалу економічну політику адміністрації [Обами], світ би зараз не став свідком цього великого економічного успіху». На жаль, ця стаття не вказує, що це ще одна з багатьох брехні Трампа. Економіка була чудовою, починаючи з адміністрації Трампа через Обами, і почала зазнавати невдач задовго до пандемії. Але принаймні Ненсі Пелосі посміялася востаннє, «вирвавши копію його промови з помосту».


In this old blog post from my Madam Secretary blog, I talk about my Elementary blog starting early, even if I didn’t quite understand that I would was doing that at the time. It all worked out well enough in the end. I mentioned the blog being behind, even though most of the posts were written at the time. All that I really needed to do was post them better and I did and would fix that in the future.


I mention the 20 year curse where presidents elected in years that ended in 0 ended up dying, a curse that has been broken as it didn’t affect Reagan or Bush II, even though we won’t know for a while if it will affect Biden. There has already been attempt on his life as the last president not to have any known attempts on his life was Lyndon B Johnson. Few of these attempts have been serious.


I also talk about the 50 year curse where every 50 years, major scandals affect the presidency. This happened in the 1870s with Grant, 1920s with Harding, 1970s with Nixon, and now 2020s with Trump. All four of these people were Republicans. What could happen in the 2070s?


Since I’ve put this off for maybe two blog posts now, I realize that I should get to the tier one of football teams that I root for and their official ranking from the 2016 season onward. I will include wins and loses and break possible ties. I will include head to head matchups starting with preseason with the only exception being the 2015 playoff game between the Steelers and Broncos. Anyways, the teams to root for are Titans, Chiefs, 49ers, Raiders, Colts, Broncos, Steelers, and Chargers.


Broncos against other teams: lost to 49ers, beat Colts, lost to Chargers, lost to Raiders, lost to Chiefs, lost to Titans, and beat the Steelers (2 wins, 5 losses). Steelers against other teams: lost to the Broncos, beat the Chiefs, beat the Colts, beat the Titans, lost to the Chargers, lost to the Raiders, and lost to the 49ers (3 wins, 4 losses). 49ers against other teams: beat the Broncos, beat the Chargers, beat the Chiefs, lost to Colts, beat the Titans, beat the Raiders, and beat the Steelers (6 wins, 1 loss). Colts against other teams: lost to Broncos, lost to Steelers, beat the 49ers, beat the Chargers, beat the Titans, lost to the Chiefs, and beat the Raiders (4 wins, 3 losses).


Chargers against other teams: lost to the 49ers, lost to the Colts, beat the Broncos, beat the Steelers, lost to Titans, lost to Chiefs, and lost to Raiders (2 wins, 5 losses). Raiders against other teams: beat the Broncos, beat the Steelers, lost to 49ers, lost to Colts, beat the Chargers, lost to Titans, and lost to Chiefs (3 wins, 4 losses). Titans against other teams: beat Broncos, lost to Steelers, lost to 49ers, lost to Colts, beat the Chargers, beat the Raiders, and lost to Chiefs (3 wins, 4 losses). Chiefs against other teams: beat Broncos, lost to Steelers, lost to 49ers, beat the Colts, beat the Chargers, beat the Raiders, and beat the Titans (5 wins, 2 losses).


This puts the 49ers as the highest with the most wins at 6. I’ll get to ties and break them later. The Chiefs are the second highest with 5 wins. The Colts are the next highest with 4 wins. Three teams have 3 wins and they are the Raiders, Steelers, and Titans. The lowest of this grouping are the Broncos and the Chargers with only two wins.


Movie update: On Friday, I watched a movie that wasn’t on my list that I will see again that is on the list as it is part of a series. I didn’t have time for a movie on my list. On Saturday, I watched nothing as lots of evolving plans for the day made it impossible. On Sunday, I watched nothing from either list as usual. This should change for the other list, the Sunday night list that I largely made for that time because of right before when it would have worked instead of when it was now. Anyways, on Monday, I watched nothing because of needing to catsup on laptop shows. And I finally was able to see a movie on Tuesday by watching Back to the Future and then replaced it with Back to the Future part 2.


As we near the end of the season, you might have to wonder where movie updates could go. They could wind up in the CSI: Vegas blog posts at some point in time. Where I will put them after this season is over is in my Borneo posts. They will not be going back to my China posts and are likely not to go to the Blood versus Water posts any time. And if you know me in real life, then get me the concert DVD of Celtic Woman: Homecoming for my birthday. But enough of my ramblings.


In the first segment of the show, Lindsay felt that the tribal council was the best one. I wouldn’t feel that way as I really liked the one where Phillip was voted out in Caramoan. Lindsay now has a full-fledged idol. I wonder why Drea didn’t have a steal a vote. Wasn’t she supposed to? Mike thinks that he is too likable and people want to vote him out. Maryanne reveals her extra vote to Mike while also thinking about getting rid of Omar since he is now a threat to win.


Lindsay, meanwhile, wants to get rid of Jonathan. Jonathan thinks that he can’t trust Lindsay and Omar. He was upset by what happened. It is clear to everyone that the Super Tight Four is breaking up. They are turning on each other. We then get to the reward challenge. It is Omar who wins the challenge and he picks the reward that allows him to bring more people to the reward. He worries about potential backlash and takes Mike, Maryanne, and Romeo to join him.


In the second segment of the show, Jonathan talks to Lindsay while the others are on reward. Omar wants to deprive Jonathan of feeling good. Lindsay thinks that Jonathan is being voted out unless he wins immunity, in which case it would be Mike getting voted out. Lindsay reveals her idol to Mike who then tells two others about her idol. He wants to target Omar. I wonder if there is a montage on YouTube of all of the people on this show revealing their secrets to others who then have more of this secret revealed. This show isn’t Tell me Your Secrets. It is Survivor. Maryanne wants to take charge of her game and make it known that she’s no goat.


In the third segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge. It takes two balls to win. Despite being a woman, Lindsay wins which messes up Mike’s plans. How will her idol still factor into things? I guess that we will find out.


In the fourth segment of the show, Lindsay talks about how she won the challenge. Jonathan did not want this to happen. Romeo might be a target now. Romeo talks about splitting the vote, but the others think that they don’t need to. Omar thinks that their plan is foolproof if all goes according to plan. They worry that an idol will go back into circulation. Can they still be played at the final five? Maryanne wants to use her extra vote the way she wants to against Omar. But Mike wants to keep his idol and does not want her to vote against Omar. This is also the last time that they can play a shot in the dark.


Maryanne tells Romeo about the extra vote and plan to vote for Omar, splitting the votes. It seems like there are a lot of plan and targets potentially with Maryanne worrying that her plan might go up in smoke. This could be crazy.


In the fifth segment of the show, we get to a stormy in I’m sure many ways tribal council. Mike thinks that there is nowhere to hide. Romeo thinks that the dynamics have changed. We are thinking more long term now. Maryanne is worried about self preservation and then taking charge. Lindsay is asked about her time in the game. Omar is Survivor confidant for now. Jonathan thinks that this could be the first tribal council where no one lies, but only if it goes the way he thinks it will. Maryanne brings up the shot in the dark. Jeff brings up splitting the votes. Omar says that he could be on the receiving edge of a blindside. After the votes are cast, no idols are played, it is Omar who gets voted out. I guess this makes it the not as tight three left of Jonathan, Lindsay, and Maryanne. The tribe heads to a new camp.


On the next Survivor, it is the season finale, people scramble, Romeo makes a fake idol, and I’m sure that a lot of crazy things happen as usual because nothing else seems to happen on Survivor at all. That’s all there really is to say for now.


Total confessional count: Lindsay- 22, Romeo- 18, Maryanne- 25, Mike- 35, Jonathan- 20, Omar- 35. New confessionals this episode: Jonathan- 3, Omar- 5, Lindsay- 6, Romeo- 1, Maryanne- 5, Mike- 3.


I can’t tell who might win or not win. Romeo seems like too invisible an edit so far. Jonathan seems too cocky and like Xander from last season. Mike is too all over the place with his edit. Maryanne seems too crazy. This leaves Lindsay who I guess could work? I guess we’ll see. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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