This is the weirdest hiatus yet in terms of this blog as once again I wasn’t able to do a post of this blog on Wednesday. Why wasn’t I? It was quite simple. I had absolutely no time to write a post, much less publish it. If I had one written in advance, it would have been a different story. But that was not the case. I also need the time to listen to something to explain a change we know about that can hopefully be done before Survivor returns for the future. Now on to the post.
You may notice something different with how they present Survivor in the newer seasons. It might have happened a bit more than just since Survivor has returned after the pandemic. But how each episode has been edited has changed versus how it was.
How were they edited before versus now? It seemed as if the edit back then could be put into the standard five acts: 1- intro/post tribal council/tribe life, 2- reward challenge/lead up into it, 3- some of the reward/some of the reward losers, 4- set up to immunity challenge/immunity challenge, 5- set up to tribal council/tribal council.
That’s not so much what happens anymore. Nowadays, we can get things like this: 1- everything before the reward challenge, if it is even seen, 2- reward challenge or twist tasks/tribe life, 3- more tribe life/set up to immunity challenge/immunity challenge, 4- set up to tribal council/more twist tasks, 5- tribal council. And the segments to some of the things are clearly longer than they were as a result.
Why is Survivor doing this? Why are the edits different? It is probably just so that it isn’t too predictable an edit and format. You can read through my posts on current seasons dating back to Philippines when I was starting to do this blog what I’d consider normally and compare it with how formats to some of the blogs and recaps are done now. You’d see how the edits are different. You’d see how formats are not the same. And while I don’t have any issues with this one way or the other, it is still worth doing a blog post about so that people know some of the differences.
I might be back to doing a blog post of this blog on both Sundays and Wednesdays now for the near future until I mess up without a post of this blog done or a Sunday will have a blog that is not this one which will happen at some point. We’ll see what all will happen. It is weird that I’ve missed so many posts of blogs, but only this blog. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.
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