Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Episode 1.3b

I’m not entirely sure where all in this blog I will talk about this, but if any blog that is vacated from a day of the week like Madam Secretary’s blog was on Tuesdays and I wind up doing my TV blog then, I will have to delay this season’s old posts as a result. The same would be potentially true of any day of the week potentially, although some remain occupied for now, some even regardless of whether or not there are rolls for it as it couldn’t be vacated at all. I’ll try to keep my updates in my new season’s blog posts instead of anywhere else.


Horrenda veritas suppressionis vetoris in articulo temporis die 10-29-2018 edito, qui a pagina 17 incipit et vocatur "Suffragia reportare" dicitur. Articulus scriptus est ab Erico Holder, qui in blurb in fine pag 19 dicit se "meruisse in US Attornatus Generalis ab anno 2009 ad 2015 [et factus est] praeses Redistricting Committee Nationalis Democraticae". Loquitur de quaestionibus cum gerrymandering factiosis, commemorat quomodo "In MMXII, Democratae 1.37 decies plus suffragia vicerunt quam Republicani in Republican "XXXIII tribunali plures". Math non addit. Postquam Mississippi processum praenuntiationis occidit, efficere voluit ut mutationes suffragationis legum vel rationum ab US Department Iustitiae cognitae essent, multae aliae civitates "inceperunt leges et rationes electionis noxias et iniquas emittendi".


Suffragatio purgat pergere fieri in locis sicut Georgia, Dakota septentrionalis, et status adductius cardo Ohio. Fortasse maxime consequentia esse potuit id quod in Wisconsin anno 2016. factum est "Hillary Clinton circa XXIII milia suffragiorum amisit [et] legem veter-ID vetuit fortasse quotquot 45,000 suffragii emittere eo anno schedulam". Considerans quomodo Wisconsin fuit quomodo Trump anno 2016 vicit, fieri potest ut suffragator suppressionis plus de munere in lucrando egit quod ante cogitaverat. Modo nescimus quomodo aut etiam si electionem affectaverit.


Movie update: On Saturday, I watched Downton Abbey with commentary. I replaced it with Decker Family DVD. On Sunday afternoon, I watched The Last Crusade. I replaced that with The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. On Sunday night, I watched National Treasure. I replaced it with Mr. and Mrs. Smith. I did not see a movie on Monday, Tuesday, or Friday.


It was on Saturday, 8-27-2022 that this episode was “rolled” and I had to update my blog on The Good Wife which freed it from Friday updates to instead keep it rotating around with Saturdays for a while. I will tell you more about the schedule and the changes with it. I’ll get into that towards the end of this post and you’ll know what I mean.


We begin with Kelly forgetting where she is all the time. Sean talks about how there isn’t much to fish out there. I’m surprised that his super pole isn’t doing anything. The women go out fishing and talk about voting out Rudy. Sue thinks that Stacey is the weakest and wants to target her. Sue won’t talk about this with Stacey which Stacey immediately realizes means that she is the target of Sue.


The Pagong tribe looks for tapioca, which was highly sought after, but only in this season. What’s so great about tapioca? And is this the only place out of all of them to have it? They all have fun getting dirty in the mud volcano.


Back at Tagi, Dirk is seen reading the bible. He talks about this and other biblical stuff to the rest of his tribe. They are more annoyed by this. Dirk talks about being a virgin. Kelly isn’t one. Dirk is annoyed that Richard and other gays are always talking about their homosexuality. He doesn’t see that he is also a bit too preachy himself. Of course, it is ironic that both Christians and gays are too preachy about their ways. Jeff talks some about the upcoming challenge. This is the Jeff that I like. I don’t like him giving these confessionals like he’s a contestant.


Both tribes try to figure out what their treemail means. They arrive at the sand spit. Why is it called that anyways? It isn’t something that they spit. This challenge is for reward. Jeff wants everyone on the tribes to have hands on the chest. Um, what? Is that really appropriate? Anyways, it is Tagi that wins. I wonder what the treasure in the chest is. Perhaps boobs?


Richard goes out fishing with the reward. Sean is still convinced that his super pole is what works better. Where did he even get it from anyways? He would have had to have made it there, right? I wonder if one would interview Sean today if he would still be convinced of the effectiveness of super pole that we have never not seen once work. Richard, meanwhile, spears a lot of fish. He thinks that he will move up in the tribe as a result.


Somehow, the Pagong tribe hears that the other tribe is good at catching fish. Greg talks about how he has a way to catch rats. Maybe there are a bunch of snakes on this tribe. This tribe eats the rats. It does seem like everyone on the tribe eats it at some point. While rats are good, Gervase thinks that they would like fish better.


The Tagi tribe is seen with a telegram treemail. They also have to make a stretcher. And they have to figure out who their lightest tribe member is. They test the challenge out. Pagong also looks at the same treemail and also prepares for the challenge.


At the challenge, Jeff talks to the tribes about the upcoming challenge. The tribes have to get to the tribe member that needs to be rescued and then take them to the first aid tent. Pagong wins the challenge at hand. They get a victory walk to their hanging idol on Bird Island.


Preparing for tribal council, the people have their various ideas. People rejected Richard’s thoughts of talking with the group in preparation for the tribal council. It seems like it could be a choice between Rudy or Stacey with Stacey even thinking that she’s in danger.


At tribal council, there is a storm brewing. Jeff brings out a conch shell for people to use to talk. Richard says that he is providing for the tribe by giving them fish. Sean is comfortable with his tribe. Sue thinks that Richard’s fish catching is good for now, but could be better later. Jeff doesn’t let there be much of a tribal council as he lets Stacey talk for a bit before getting to the vote.


Kelly and Stacey vote for Rudy. The rest of the tribe, Dirk, Rudy, Richard, Sue, and Sean all vote for Stacey. I see why Jeff wants to get this done and over with since there is a lot of rain pouring down. Stacey claims that people switched their votes as her torch, already out, is snuffed again. The tribe can wait there until the rain stops. And Stacey becomes the first person to give an exit confessional during the day, that is, the next day after this storm.


Total confessional count: Kelly- 9, Richard- 15, Sue- 7, Colleen- 5, Jenna- 6, Joel- 4, Dirk- 4, Ramona- 6, Gervase- 10, Greg- 5, Gretchen- 9, Sean- 8, Stacey- 7, Rudy- 8.


New confessionals this episode: Rudy- 2, Kelly- 5, Richard- 6, Sue- 5, Colleen- 2, Jenna- 5, Joel- 2, Dirk- 3, Ramona- 0, Gervase- 5, Greg- 2, Gretchen- 3, Sean- 2, Stacey- 4.


For those who don’t know this already, Stacey had gained infamy in the Survivor community for suing the show, saying that producers convinced people to vote her out instead of others. This was settled out of court. I think that she was trying to make a quick buck. She’s the reason, after all, that contestants get paid for appearing on the reunion show.


She probably realized very easily that once Mark Burnett countersued her for up to 5 million dollars that she was in over her head and this lawsuit wasn’t worth it. And the reason that she was voted out makes sense. I don’t think that she reacted well to being blindsided.


All of this is a very long way of saying that if there is a list of contestants who are banned from ever appearing on the show again, she would have been the very first person added to this list. I don’t think that she will ever reappear on the show and give her about a 15% chance of returning.


Planned September blog posts (revised)









Not September

Not September

Not September

Not September

1: The Good Fight (maybe)

2: Survivor

3: TV

4: CSI: Cyber

5: Elementary

6: Survivor (maybe)

7: Survivor (maybe)

8: freebie

9: Survivor (maybe)

10: Madam Secretary

11: Survivor (maybe)

12: freebie

13: Madam Secretary

14: Survivor (maybe)

15: freebie

16: Survivor (maybe)

17: The Good Wife

18: Survivor (maybe)

19: freebie

20: Survivor (maybe)

21: Survivor (new season starts)

22: freebie

23: Survivor (maybe)

24: TV

25: Survivor (maybe)

26: Madam Secretary

27: Survivor (maybe)

28: unsure

29: CSI: Vegas (new season starts)

30: Survivor (maybe)

Not September


Now in the off chance that I know of changes to a month’s planned blogging schedule before that month starts, I will share the revised schedule in the blog, which is what this previous section is. I hope to get updated on the calendars until January or until I know when Survivor 44 starts. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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