With tomorrow being the start of Survivor’s poorly promoted new season (why have they not been focusing on the new cast at all?), you might wonder whether or not I’ll have any blog posts done on any old seasons during the airing of Survivor 43. I honestly don’t know. I’ve only been watching more of shows and actually rolling for things instead of being stuck with choices and only occasionally cheating to watch a Survivor season so I can watch and finish something on the list which happens to have this choice as well on it. I can only hope that I can roll the last choice on it sooner rather than later.
Una pessimae valetudinis curas rationes quas ego umquam audivi commemorari in tempore commentarioli ab 5-20-2019 in articulo pagini 14 vocati "Potest statum requirere homines ad opus Medicaid acquirendum?" Consilium erat in Arkansas quod Trump Administration approbavit illius officium habere ut beneficia Medicaid acquireret. Hoc consilium horrendum sonat sicut aliquis perorare otiosus potuit et postea uninsed. Articulus indicat Trump priorem statum suum in eo redisse, quod "expedivit in idea quod programmata Medicare, Medicaid et Social Security tutatus est." Hoc problema in ipso articulo habetur. Dolet homines "qui iam opus invenire conantur addendo iacuit incerto officiale."
I have wanted some things to affect my other blogs so I might do that more often than possible. I like to rig the rolls as that means being in control. In fact, that last legit roll has lead to the other rig rolls that have happened to even out the mess that was made by fate.
Movie update: On Saturday, I watched Decker Family DVD. I replaced it with The Aristocats. On Sunday afternoon, I watched Bend it Like Beckham. I replaced it with Baby Boom. On Sunday night, I did not watch a movie from my list, instead watching a movie that wasn’t on it. On Monday, I watched The Fugitive. I replaced it with Johnny English. On Tuesday, I did not watch a movie. On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday afternoon, I was too busy with family visits to watch any movies, even if I didn’t leave until after Friday. I also didn’t watch any of Sunday night movies due to the exhausting trip I was just on and there being other random things going on as well that took up time.
On Monday, I watched The Bourne Legacy. I replaced that with American Dreamz. On Tuesday, I saw Pot O’ Gold. I replaced that with The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. On Friday, I watched Minions. I replaced that with Jason Bourne. On Saturday, I watched a movie that wasn’t on my list of things to watch. On Sunday afternoon, I watched nothing as I had different plans for lunch. I was busy seeing the returning fall shows of primetime on Sunday night to watch any movie then. On that next Monday, I did not watch a movie so I could see more shows on my laptop. I’m still behind on stuff from April and it is now September when I’m finally set to record more on it.
On Tuesday, I watched Celtic Woman: Believe. I replaced that with Celtic Woman: Destiny. On Friday, I watched… well, you’ll have to see later because I may have time to watch something in addition to the episode of Survivor that I’m watching. But I guess you’ll have to see in the next post on this season.
I decided to watch this episode on Friday, 9-16-2022. You might wonder how this affects things. Well, since The Good Wife blog of mine is no longer on Fridays leaving the blogs of mine effectively blank then, it could then become a weekly updateable day of the week for my TV blog. And now it will be. I will thus not be able to publish any posts of this blog on Friday and that is when I blog about Survivor: China. I won’t be able to even if the post is written. If things go according to plan, that day of the week won’t be open to this blog for the rest of the year and that would include possibly delayed posts of any current season of this blog as well. I’ll get to explaining more about when or if there might be updates in current season’s posts or this season.
We begin with people on Pagong talking about the miserable storm that they suffered through. The shelter was not practical and was left wet and a mess with different things they needed away from where they need to be. The tribe then moves to another place. Greg weirds his tribe out by speaking into what he calls a nature phone. Just to be clear, he knows it isn’t a real phone.
Back at Tagi, Sue is upset that something is all woody. If she thinks that she’s upset now, just wait until she plays a second time. Sean wants to build a bowling alley. Sue thinks that it is a waste of time. She thinks that he should spend time on more important things like looking for tapioca. Why is she so obsessed with tapioca anyways?
The two tribes learn about what they are going to compete with later in preparation for the reward challenge where they add some rewards as well. Both tribes want to add elements of sex to their distress signal. Pagong members want to walk around naked while Tagi wants to use condoms. Richard wants to make alliances at this point. The people on Pagong think that Ramona is too lazy. How long is this challenge anyways? It seems to take longer than it should. Ramona does help at some point.
Jeff gets on a plane and he mentions what is at stake and who gets it all potentially. In the end, neither tribe goes naked. Some people may be disappointed by that, but not me. Tagi has bodies moving in motion while Pagong doesn’t do that badly, but bad enough to lose. But they have to make the Tagi tribe work hard to get their reward by going out to sea to get it.
Richard forms his alliance and it is him, Kelly, and Sue at first. They talk about adding Rudy, but he is a bit reluctant to do it at first. On Pagong, Ramona is trying harder to fit in the tribe, but most people think that it is too late, hence the name of the episode.
At the immunity challenge, there is a relay. Jeff explains how the challenge is to be done. The members of the tribes go out to do their tasks. Tagi leads throughout most of the challenge. It seems that Tagi does poorly at one point, but due to Gervase taking way too long on his task, Pagong had no chance at winning this challenge this time.
After the challenge, Gervase talks about how voting off someone is the most difficult part. And here I was thinking that the waiting was the hardest part. Greg compares voting someone out to the board game of Sorry where one has to make moves that hurt the other players.
We get to tribal council next. Jeff says that it is hard to vote a member out. Voting out is hard to do. It is Ramona who first talks about how nobody sucks on their tribe and how they all like each other. Jeff asks who feels confident about surviving the vote. Gervase says that he feels good about sticking around. Jeff says that he shouldn’t feel that way. Gervase then admits to feeling vulnerable which gets the others on his tribe to laugh. Jenna says that she hates to vote out a person from the tribe. When it comes to how the votes are cast, Ramona and Gervase vote for Colleen, Greg votes for Jenna, and the rest of the tribe members of Jenna, Colleen, Gretchen, and Joel all vote for Ramona. Ramona. Ramona. My my my. It is thus Ramona that gets voted out of the game.
On the next Survivor, Sue thinks that her tribe members are wasting time fishing since they didn’t catch anything. Colleen and Greg are having all the sex. A bunch of stuff happens and do dew da dee. Never fear. We’ll have stories for years.
Total confessional count: Ramona- 11, Gervase- 18, Greg- 10, Gretchen- 12, Sean- 10, Rudy- 9, Kelly- 11, Richard- 22, Sue- 11, Colleen- 10, Jenna- 9, Joel- 6, Dirk- 7.
New confessionals this episode: Gervase- 8, Greg- 5, Gretchen- 3, Sean- 2, Rudy- 1, Kelly- 2, Richard- 7, Sue- 4, Colleen- 5, Jenna- 3, Joel- 2, Dirk- 3, Ramona- 5.
When it comes to Ramona’s chances of playing the game again, I don’t think that she has much of one. She could return, but I doubt that she would want to. That’s just a guess so it is hard to know for sure. I give her about a 30% chance of returning to the game again.
Planned October blog posts (revised)
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Not October |
Not October |
Not October |
Not October |
Not October |
Not October |
1: The Good Fight |
2: Survivor (maybe) |
3: freebie |
4: Survivor (maybe) |
5: Survivor |
6: CSI: Vegas |
7: TV |
8: Madam Secretary |
9: CSI: Cyber |
10: Elementary |
11: Survivor (maybe) |
12: Survivor |
13: The Good Fight |
14: TV |
15: The Good Wife |
16: CSI: Vegas |
17: freebie |
18: Survivor (maybe) |
19: Survivor |
20: CSI: Vegas |
21: TV |
22: Madam Secretary |
23: Survivor (maybe) |
24: freebie |
25: Survivor (maybe) |
26: Survivor |
27: CSI: Vegas |
28: TV |
29: The Good Wife |
30: Survivor (maybe) |
31: freebie |
Not October |
Not October |
Not October |
Not October |
Not October |
I’ll try to get to any revised schedules if I can unless the next month has started. I don’t yet know just how far I might go into posting about the future as I won’t know when my church might do Advent services this year. I thus don’t know if I will have to delay watching Survivor until the next day after it airs or if I can get it done on time due to an earlier service being available to go to. I will say for sure that if I’m still blogging about CSI: Vegas, I am likely to delay those posts until Sundays. I’ll be back tomorrow with a post on the newest Survivor episode. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.
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