Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Borneo Challenges as Redemption Island Duels

Okay, there’s a bunch of challenges that were included in Survivor: Borneo. A lot of them never actually appeared in the game again. But, many of them were pretty good in the end. I am going to mention the challenges from the first season that I think would be good Redemption Island duels. So, if a challenge from that season isn’t mentioned, then I don’t think that it would make a good duel or I don’t think that they’d do it again anyways. If they have done challenges from the first season on Redemption Island and the challenge didn’t work, then I’ll also point out that it shouldn’t be a duel again, but the research I did on challenges seems to prove that there hasn’t been a challenge from this season that has appeared as a Redemption Island duel. So, I’ll just stick to the ones that should be duels. I may have too many, but that shouldn’t be a problem.

Quest for Fire: This was the very first challenge in Survivor history. They have done it different ways, but basically the point is to light a fire throughout the challenge area. Imagine that as a Redemption Island duel. They could even use it as the first duel where the winner gets to light the fire pit on Redemption Island and the loser has to throw their buff in there once they get eliminated from the game. Well, that is if they keep doing the burning of the buff when someone loses Redemption Island. I still don’t know what would be a good replacement for that, so they might as well keep it at the moment. As for this challenge, there’s a way that it could be individual to keep a great classic part of Survivor alive in the game nowadays. I think it would only work as a two-way duel.

Buggin’ Out: This challenge is also known as the gross food eating challenge. It would serve as something great for a Redemption Island duel. I’m sure they could come up with great ways of doing this challenge as a duel. I don’t know how they would do it, but it would be nice. To me, this would only work as a two way duel.

Treasure Chest: Basically, in this challenge, you have to dive underwater to get a treasure chest and bring it back to the mat to win. A challenge this simple would probably work as a duel and I’m surprised it never reappeared outside of the first season.

Buried Treasure: This challenge is a relay race. You get buried treasure at the last stage. Something like this seems like a great challenge that should be used again. I don’t know how it would work with the arena that they use there, but that’s beside the point. It would totally work as a duel.

Choose Your Weapon: This challenge has been done different ways when it has appeared on the show. Basically, contestants pick different weapons to use at different stages. Depending on how they do it, it could work for any number of players as a duel.

Abandoned Barracks: This challenge had people looking in barracks for certain items. A duplicate item would score a point to the opposing tribe. If you make it so that each player only gets certain items or that items would be color coded to avoid potentially giving someone else the win, that would make the challenge work better. This might work best as a two way duel, although it could work with any number of players.

The Obstacle Course (not to be confused with Survivor Obstacle Course, which is actually a different challenge somehow): This challenge had people basically go through an obstacle course. If you look back at the episode that had this challenge, you’d see which part of it I found the most memorable. But, since my version of the challenge, the plank maze, hasn’t been done on Survivor before (not that it would make a bad duel) I wouldn’t have just that as part of the challenge. I think that it could work but it might work best only as a two way duel.

Survivor Archery: This challenge had people shooting at a target with a bow and arrow and the closest to the target wins. If you do multiple rounds of the challenge to give people chances to improve and stay in the game. Also, give each player their own target instead of having to share one. Then, my friends, you have a good duel.

End of the Line: This challenge is one of many contestant must do things while hooked into something. You see, since it is such a basic idea, it would work as a duel no matter how many people wind up playing it. I just don’t know how they would change it first.

Out on a Limb (more commonly known as Survivor Obstacle Course): This challenge had people competing on a web in the air getting different medallions. If they fall off the course, they are out of the challenge. It has had different appearances besides the first one, which I’m describing. But, the first version of the challenge might be good way to do it. It would even be a good reentry point, preferably the first one.

Survivor Quiz: This challenge has people quizzed on island living. A challenge this simple has to work as a Redemption Island duel. Plus, I already said this would work as a duel during my thoughts on Palau challenges as duels which I posted during episode 27.10.

Hands on a Hard Idol: This great challenge has people holding onto an idol with one hand and they have to keep it on as long as possible. It’s a shame that you don’t see it more often in the game. So, make it the final reentry point and final duel of the season and you’ll have something that will make for awesome television. I hope that they use it sometime.

I considered adding both Witch Hunt and Fast Fire to the list. I think that they would both work as duels, but I was looking for the best of the season’s challenges. Plus, Fast Fire would seem too similar to Quest for Fire so maybe it should actually replace Quest for Fire on the list. I’d also include Fallen Comrades since I liked the idea of the challenge, even though they only seem to ask obscure questions. But, I know that they will probably never do that challenge again due to the controversy it caused in the third season by an obscure question. It’s a shame we’ll probably never see it again. These challenges can be considered alternates to the ones that I’ve mentioned. Witch Hunt could be a good alternate reentry point instead of Out of a Limb since I’m not sure that we need two obstacle courses in one season. It’s a shame that I couldn’t think of any other endurance challenges from this season besides the last one because an endurance challenge would probably make the best sort of reentry point. Of course, it doesn’t have to. It’s not like this blog post matters. Anyways, I hope that you like my choices. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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