Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Survivor: San Juan del Ser Premiere

I apologize for the lack of editing in the beginning of this blog post. Okay, here’s something complicated that I was telling you about earlier (I think, provided that I’m done posting the first season’s blog post, which I should be by the time this is posted). You see, there are movies that I watch during my spare time. And, since there are so many choices to choose from, I have a list of potential movies and a die that rolls for one of them. This can be painful sometime. Now what does this have to do with Survivor? You see, the day of the week that I post old season’s blog posts is on Sundays. I will watch through the first season of Survivor again on Sundays each week and it would be best to watch it at lunch. This would mean that I have to get rid of my Sunday movie watching list and move what isn’t watched to Saturday’s list. I would watch the old season again to get a perspective on B. B.’s time in the game, although I may have to do other things as well since his time in the game was short. If I could get another Survivor season during this time, which would only happen if someone from the season dies and the season is on DVD already, then it would replace things on Sundays (provided that I’m done posting about old seasons on Sundays) and I would have to move when I watch this to Fridays, which is when another old season would be posted should I already be posting an old season at the time. Boy, this is getting long and confusing. But the point is, I should tell you the movie watching list for both days of the week and how I trim it down to just one list.

Here’s what the Sunday movie list was right before I added Survivor: Borneo- the Greatest and Most Outrageous Moments to it: Celtic Woman concerts, Flight of the Phoenix, The Hobbit series, Mighty Morphing Power Rangers: the Movie (which I am watching after finishing the second season that I was watching on a different list, since I only have the second half of the second season so far), One Night with the King, and Seventeen Again. The last item on the list is what needs to disappear to have the Survivor special replace it. I will slowly move what I can’t watch on Sundays to Saturdays in some way. This means that I probably wouldn’t be able to watch things on Sundays with a lack of things on the list, even though I will get rid of things from that list from the moment that the Survivor special can be watched again. The Saturday movie list has these movies: Bean: The Movie, Fifty First Dates, the High School Musical series, the Indiana Jones series, National Treasure, and The Parent Trap. Of course, this list will change before I post it because I have to wait until Seventeen Again is rolled and I won’t tell you about either list unless it was right before I watched this or it remains on the list since I have yet to roll it. Since this is the summer, I have a special way of rolling for things on any day of the week, but that’s not important. None of this is actually, but I still like to talk a lot and like to get it out in blogs since I can’t always get it out in real life. Isn’t that why we have blogs in the first place?

As I was saying, I seem to have problems with this list besides the fact that I have this list in the first place. What’s wrong with me? I think that question too often in life. But, if I were normal, then I’d be just another boring person in life. Being weird makes me stand out among others. But the point is, there was a while when I never rolled the six option on Saturday. That’s when I started rolling only the sixth option on Saturday. This is most annoying. So, hopefully, these annoying problems won’t come up that much and I can continue to change the list as I want to. I might even have to bring the Sunday list back after getting rid of it. We’ll see what happens. Or, maybe we won’t. I’ll keep you updated if possible and hopefully things will change before this is posted. I might even have to add a third movie list while I try to get rid of the Sunday one. I just don’t know when I would watch movies on a third list. If the list doesn’t change, which it might not, I’ll just continue posting about it until I can watch the Survivor: Borneo special, as it’s easiest to call it. If I do add a third list, I’ll let you know what they are and how I got them. And, I’ll also figure out how to get rid of the Sunday list so I can start watching just Survivor: Borneo episodes on Sundays. Of course, I won’t watch it on Sundays if I have to start watching another old Survivor season in the near future.

Well, it turns out that during all this time, I was not able to roll Seventeen Again on Sundays. I was not able to watch a Saturday movie at the most recent time as I am normally unable to watch movies those days. So, I don’t know how I’ll give up the Sunday movie list, but I’ll still try. Meanwhile, I’m still figuring out how I should go about making a Monday list. In theory, I could always wake up early and watch a movie with breakfast. But, that could easily not work. There’s nothing to do on a Sunday night and no reason to be up late, but that doesn’t mean that I won’t be up late regardless. I should apologize right now for the rambling that I’m doing and normally always do. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to stop ramblings, but we’ll see what happens as time goes by. I rolled four on Sunday and watch the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers movie. I have replaced it on the list with Juno, which won a complicated roll process that I see no need to tell you about in detail. While I normally don’t move things alphabetically in movie watching lists (the replacement in this case had to be between i-n), I will probably move the list around to new numbers if I can get the Sunday list to start moving to the other list.

I’ll keep you updated on random, meaningless parts of my life because I lack a general blog to do that. I’m hoping that over time, this problem will disappear somehow. I will have to roll the right number eventually, right? Well, I’ll think of other things to talk about in this blog as well. Keep referring to this blog post for the movie list as I slowly replace it and hopefully remove the Sunday list entirely. I haven’t even decided when I’ll start posting new blog updates in my TV blog, especially since I don’t have any way of just deciding on my own when to post new updates. If you remember, every time I could watch another Survivor: Borneo episode by rolling that option, I got to update my TV blog. But, I wanted to go on hiatus for a while. I might even do that with this blog (probably not), but I will tell you more about that later. For now, I’ll stick to more present concerns such as how I’ll keep all these j names straight. But enough of my ramblings.

So the episode started in its over-the-top, awesome way again. Simple premieres are a thing of the past. Each pair starts at day zero on their own. If a pair shares a confessional, does that mean we have to split it? I say that we should. This could cause confusions, if this is the only episode where it happens. I will split it up, which is where the .5 will come from in the confessional count. It’s hard to make anything out from the opening as to where people will rank in the future. This is when the pairs go to Redemption Island arena some random location, which I believe is Exile Island. The Sri Lanka twins reveal that they were on the Amazing Race, which I don’t know was intentional. I do wonder how they decided who was on each tribe, but it doesn’t matter in the end. Keith is certain that John Rocker is an ass. We’ll see if that assumption from the past remains true. We then get to the opening reward challenge. Val and Jeremy compete for reward. For, what might be the first time, the opening reward challenge gives people fire in the form of flint. After watching the first season during the summer, I am now even more annoyed at the challenge commentary than I used to be. Well, Jeremy wins the challenge. The win is bittersweet for him. Jeremy chooses a person from his tribe to join his wife on Exile Island and he chooses Keith. Already, Exile Island seems more interesting than usual. It turns out that the random arena place, whatever it’s called, is not Exile Island. Interesting. Also, in case you were wondering, I had the sense to make supper for myself before Survivor started. Let’s just hope that I can keep being able to do this in the future. I still don’t know how I’ll eat and blog at the same time, but at least I’m not on twitter during this episode.

In the second segment of the show, Hunapu gets to their camp for the first time. Reed is star struck about the fact that he’s on Survivor. Jeremy is upset that he won and seems more focused on how people back home will think of him. Already, I’m having issues with this season. It is normally not a good sign for a season to have an alliance of five from the very beginning. It’s either not good for the alliance or it makes the season too predictable. Nadiya is the “twinnee” on the Coyopa tribe while Natalie is on the other tribe. Dale on the Coyopa tribe found something that could be an idol. It would be ironic is he is the first player to not realize that he found a real idol. But, it probably isn’t since they normally are obviously idols. He does manage to start a fire after breaking his glasses. We then get to the landing on Exile Island. Val lucks into the idol clue while Keith gets a blank piece of paper. He thinks that it might have to do with just Val’s tribe, but that doesn’t make logical sense to me.

In the third segment of the show, Drew took charge, much to the irk of some other contestants. Other people think that John Rocker is a baseball player and they are right. As usual, the famous person tries, sort of, to keep their secret from the other cast members. Not much happened in this segment. My phone told me about the SVU episode that I’ll be missing. Thankfully, the last season did not end on a cliffhanger so I won’t be missing as much as I could be. I could tune into the second half, but that would be pointless. Plus, I want to tune into Big Brother after Survivor to see if Derrick wins and thus puts all the other winners’ games to shame.

In the fourth segment of the show, we return to the Coyopa tribe. Josh has an early injury. They might have fixed the early problem, but he may potentially be the fourteenth medically evacuated since they normally don’t show injuries for no good reason. Jon Misch is a bit upset about his potentially dying father. I just hope that he doesn’t do what Jenna Moresca did in All-Stars. We then get to the immunity challenge. At first, the tribes seem to be evenly matched and doing the same. We might see a lot of that, based on what they revealed in promos for this episode. Jeff, as usual, simply points out the obvious during all his screaming at the challenge. Coyopa seems to be doing the best in the challenge thanks in part to John Rocker. This may ruin some people’s hope that he is the first voted out. Jeff loves pointing out the obvious to the point that it gets very annoying to viewers like me. Hunapu ends up winning the challenge because the other tribe failed at the puzzle portion.

In the fifth segment of the show, Keith finally joins the Hunapu tribe and they won immunity. It looks like Keith and Jeremy might have some sort of alliance since Keith took care of Val on Exile Island. Dale wants to get rid of Nadiya. Val talks about doing an all girls alliance. The women want to get rid of Dale. Josh is considered the swing vote at the moment. They then head off to tribal council. Meanwhile, I’m glad that the premiere of the 100 instead tonight.

In the sixth segment of the show, Coyopa gets to tribal council and prepares to vote someone out. I wonder how 20 minutes are going to still happen before the end of this episode. Nadiya talks a lot at tribal council, so we’ll see if the Chicken affect (named after a player from Survivor: China), will apply to her. Of course, the reality show she’s used to is different than the one she’s on, but they bring up the topic now anyways. Josh is wondering if he really is or isn’t the swing vote tonight. If he doesn’t like being called one of the “girls” (since he’s a guy), you’d think that he would vote with the men. Throwing away his vote would just be a waste since that would just cause a tie. Or, maybe he did since there is a vote for Baylor. Nadiya gets voted out first and repeats her partial experience on her second season of the Amazing Race. This might be the first time in an all new players season that the first boot was a threat that got eliminated. Weird.

On the next Survivor, we don’t get a good promo since they want to show everything instead of just one thing. There might be a quitter this season. Ugh. That would make it three seasons in a row that all have a quitter. But, that might not happen.

Total confessionals: Wes- 1.5, Missy- 2.5, John Rocker- 1.5, Jaclyn- .5, Dale- 3.5, Kelley- .5, Baylor- 3.5, Nadiya- 3.5, Natalie- 1.5, Josh- 4.5, Alec- 1.5, Drew- 1.5, Jeremy- 4.5, Val- 2.5, Reed- 1.5, Julie- 1.5, Jon Misch- 1.5, Keith- 3.5.

As usual, I don’t know what to say about the confessionals this soon in the game. I can’t tell who is doing good, although low confessionals are normally always bad. But, a high number early on might be bad too. It would be interesting and strangely ironic if Natalie placed fourth this season, since that’s what she and Nadiya placed on their first season of the Amazing Race they played. As stated, they were both the first ones out of their second Amazing Race season. I still don’t know who my real favorite to win yet is. I notice that the .5 confessionals for everyone is a bit confusing. The opening confessionals seem like courtesy confessionals to me so I will remove them from every contestant once they get one on their own. It looks like Kelley and Jaclyn are the two that will need confessionals before I get rid of the confusing .5 number. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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