Wednesday, September 17, 2014

San Juan del Sur Cast Assessment

Ugh. This was going to be a great, wonderful, and easy to do blog post. It was supposed to be that way very easily. But, wouldn’t you know it, it doesn’t seem to be working. You see, this blog post of mine where I assess the new cast of the next Survivor season is done after I watch the TVGN special on it. I don’t get that channel on TV since we neither afford nor want to pay for television. This, however, shouldn’t be a problem, since the TV guide network has always posted the special to youtube. This is where I run into the problem. If they don’t post the special online by then and I can’t find it elsewhere online or on a friend’s TV who happens to still have a recording of the special, then I won’t be able to watch it and won’t know how to assess the cast. There are probably other ways of doing prediction. Heck, I might even have to wait until after the season starts before doing this prediction randomly. I don’t know what to do. I might not even be doing a prediction at all making this blog post a complete waste because I’m typing it for no good reason and you’ll never be reading this. So, we’ll see what ends up happening and what I end up doing.

Well, I’ve decided to do an assessment of the cast of the new season of Survivor. I will predict how far they might go in the game. Remember, this is only a prediction of course. If I did know any potential spoilers, I’d have the decency to not share them with you unless they either happened or turned out to be false. I was surprised by how many of my predictions from last season were correct. For instance, there was a lot of love for J’Tia and I didn’t see it. I didn’t think she’d get very far in the game and I was right.  Can I get any good predictions like that this season? I sure hope so. Remember, since this is a new season, I will frequently mention supposed winners of the game. This just means that in some certain alphabetical order, they would be in the place where winners end up once they have finished airing the season. For example, Wes, Baylor, and Alec are the people who win. But, I will not be so bold as to make a winner prediction, although I will predict two or three finalists. I hope that I’ll have a good percentage being right this time. It turns out that the preview was posted online after all so I’ll be able to easily watch that and do my prediction for the season. Let’s just hope that breakfast doesn’t interfere with watching the special too much.

Here are the contestants from the Coyopa tribe: Nadiya, Josh, Alec, Val, Wes, John Rocker, Jaclyn, Dale, and Baylor. I wonder how they’ll do. Nadiya seems like she’ll make the jury. Jaclyn doesn’t seem to fit in with the game so I’ll have her as a premerge boot. John Rocker doesn’t seem to get the game so I’ll have him as a premerge boot. Josh seems like he’ll make the jury. Dale probably will be a premerge boot. Baylor seems like she’ll make the jury in my mind. Alec seems like he would be good enough to be a finalist. Val seems bland and would be a premerge boot in my mind. Wes seems like he’ll make the jury in my mind.

Here are the contestants from the Hunahpu tribe: Natalie, Drew, Jeremy, Reed, Julie, Jon Misch, Keith, Missy, and Kelley. I wonder how they’ll do. Natalie seems like she is good enough to be a jury member. Jon Misch seems a little cocky so I’ll put him as a premerge boot. Julie seems cutthroat enough to make the jury. Reed seems likable enough to be on the jury. Kelley seems like a premerge boot. Missy seems a bit full of herself so I’ll have her as a premerge boot. Drew seems like a probable finalist to me. Jeremy seems like he’ll probably make the jury. Keith seems like a finalist.

Another blood versus water season seems pretty interesting in my mind. One wonders if there can actually be a pair that makes it together all the way to the final tribal council. I would also wonder if one loved one makes it to the end while the other makes the jury if that means that the one on the jury would automatically vote for their loved one who’s a finalist or not. I would like to see either of those things happening. You do have to wonder if a pair making it all the way to the end could potentially split the jury votes. But if there’s a surprise final two, then it might not matter as much. I just hope that my predictions can be as good as they were last time. Some of these predictions may be a bit bold and scattered since I found it a bit hard to prediction from the TV guide network preview special. I don't think that any of them will happen exactly as I say. It was hard to predict finalists from what aired, but I think that this is a good prediction.

It turns out that the two lost contestants are some sort of female/female pair. I posted about the lost contestants before I noticed that they had released who the cast is for this season. So, there may have been some information from that that was outdated when I first posted it. I thought that I would post about it now to clarify what I had said before. Things in posts of mine can easily be outdated and I don’t always bother to update the blog or edit it. For instance, when I talked about things that could improve Redemption Island, one of the things that I should have mentioned was what to do if someone in the game wants to quit it. You should forgo the next elimination on Redemption Island and have the winner get back into the game while the other inhabitants of Redemption Island should stay on the island. It may not be the design some people would want, but I think it would make more people happy than piss people off. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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