I won’t know for sure when blog posts might appear and if you notice things as different in the future where I post something in the TV blog, but don’t have a post of this season, note that I will have another season going in the future, even if it isn’t just on my list of things to watch just yet. I should get to more of that in the future and will have to add this other season, Survivor: China, to my list of things to watch if either Thomas the Tank Engine is close to being removed from my list of things to watch or another show, Community, is removed from the list.
Let’s get to the idol from Island of the Idols part 3. Vince gets an idol good for two tribal councils which he got by sneaking into the other people’s camp. He is voted out with it in his possession at the very next tribal council he attended in the same episode. It’s better to waste idols than be voted out with them in your possession. Not everyone who does the first thing is dumb, but everyone who does the second thing is dumb.
In the post from my Madam Secretary blog that I’m sharing now, I talk about finding a football team to root for and maybe sometime I’ll post the whole convoluted way that I came up with finding one in due time. I have a whole set of teams that I root for in a certain order that I might have to get more caught up with in the future. Something that I realize is that I should about a potential Rams versus Cardinals update since both teams left St. Louis and I have yet to cover it in my facebook group Still a Rams fan, but probably will. I talk about watching shows online in this post and this was a poorly written blog post, perhaps the worst recap of all of them.
I would write a joke about the word redacted here, but legally, I can’t say anymore.
Since the last episode that I blogged about was the recap one of this season and it wasn’t about any of the episodes of the general main plot this season, know that that is why I’m not sharing posts from The Good Wife blog, probably, for the rest of this season’s posts. We’ll see if that changes or not. There is one more opening for it in the things that I plan to watch this year (if possible) so I’ll try to put it in my posts Survivor: China soon if I am able to start posting that soon.
Dollhouse season 2 is replaced with Dollhouse season 1 while Community takes its place back on the list from Charmed season 5 again. If I reach a stopping point in Community or come to close to finishing something else, I will add the next list of things to watch and probably start watching Survivor: China pretty soon after that.
With a lot of future Survivor seasons planned, you might wonder what the update is for filming on any of the next seasons. They have stuff planned until at least season 44, possibly, but still have had issues with possibly being able to film season 41, the next season. Nothing has started yet, according to this link here. They are wanting to do something soon. I did read a different Survivor blog where they had suggested that they film something here in America in a remote enough location. I don’t know if they can or would want to, but it might work out as something of last resort. I don’t yet know if they could be in the process of airing a season that they are currently filming at the same time. I wouldn’t think that they would ever do such a thing.
Update: It’s official that there will be no Survivor on during the fall. We have yet to hear about any of the other shows that might be affected as many of the things could be in the end. I’m sure that I’ll be able to keep track of when the show will be back on the air as a result and can only hope that I will keep these updates in the future.
Something that I’ve thought of now in the era of social distancing is that some challenges on Survivor could be done that way while others could not. Thus, posts in the future will include recurring challenges information and I’ll try to figure out what could work if they could only do challenges one way. Some might work normally, but with masks.
Something weird was going on with the facebook page of Alicia Waller from Survivor: One World. I will have to send her a message of apology for being skeptical of it. Her posts were getting deleted by a person who was not her and had to relate to facebook. I’m not even sure how I saw some of them as I tried to comment on one in the future. I was mainly suspicious as she said that it was stuff that was critical of the left and facebook has a conservative bias. Still, something weird is going on.
Yet another thing that might change is that since I’m so close to the end of this season, maybe I will just let Survivor: China replace it on this list in the future and not worry about making two lists at once. I do not think that I can get another season on the list right now and thus, there would be no point in doing a switching back and forth. I’ll see if I can understand my own ideas and plans while hopefully they do not have too many issues. I could just by myself another Survivor season, but am unsure if I will now.
Movie update: On the weekend, I was too busy to watch movies. On Wednesday, I watched The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies and replaced it with The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. On Friday, since it was the only time when it worked out to add a new movie list, I added one with the six choices of Courageous, The Emperor’s New Groove, Minions, The Princess Bride, Taken, and Vantage Point. I saw The Princess Bride and replaced it with Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. On Saturday, I watched Celtic Woman’s original concert as I’m pretty sure that was the one I was on. I replaced that with Celtic Woman: A New Journey.
On Sunday, I finally had a chance to watch a movie again with lunch for the first time in three weeks. I saw Back to the Future part 3 and replaced it with Arrival, a movie I’m borrowing from my brother. Later that day, ABC wasn’t coming in so I couldn’t watch it. I did have a scab list conveniently devoid of any of the Sunday choices so I watched Rush Hour 2 from Saturday’s list and replaced it with Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day.
It was on Tuesday, 7-14-2020 when this episode was rolled and I could watch it. Since it was late, I had to update this blog on Wednesday that week since I never had a post ready for that Sunday. I can only hope that I did not have to watch another episode then and am pretty sure that I can rig it so that it won’t happen. I actually can rig things more than you might think and I should be able to in the end.
We begin with Bob mentioning that he didn’t like people laughing after Randy was voted out. When they get back home, he goes off on people as a result. Sugar talks about her lack of sympathy for Randy as he left. Corrine and Sugar have a bit of a fight with Corrine telling people how she doesn’t like the people here, even as she claims to like people outside of the game. At camp, Ken talks about how he does not think that Bob has much of a chance at winning the game yet still seeks to get rid of him. Do you notice how often someone says that about the eventual winners of the game? It always seems like ironic foreshadowing.
The tribe then gathers for a challenge. It is a loved ones challenge, but they don’t seem to have any of the loved ones there as they get messages shown on a phone that Jeff has. They will get the whole message after winning the challenge. No one will be exiled. Corrine isn’t picked for the challenge. This was after Susie and Crystal are chosen as captains. Susie gets to go first and chooses Matty for her team. Crystal picks Sugar, Matty picks Ken, and Sugar picks Bob. This makes the two teams Crystal, Sugar, and Bob with the yellow team with Ken, Matty, and Susie as the red team. The yellow team wins part one of the challenge and Bob wins the last part. Ken wants to take out Bob next if he doesn’t win the next immunity challenge.
On his private reward, Bob sees his wife Margie (I think that’s her name) show up in person right behind him. He then takes her to camp. Bob then whistles and the rest of the loved ones come to this place, reuniting with their families for now. Crystal is glad to see Andre. Corrine sees her brother. Ken tells his sister some of what’s going on in the game. Sugar gets emotional talking to her sister and part of her father’s ashes are brought here and dumped. Matty talks about his girlfriend, Jamie. He doesn’t want to spend the rest of his life without her so they get engaged. Susie talks about what the day means to her while Matty explains that the good things in life aren’t easy.
The next day, the people talk about what to do while Bob and Corrine go off on their own. Sugar thinks that Bob should be voted out next. Bob tells Corrine a story about how the ocean idol wasn’t actually lost, but reveals that it is just a ruse. This is another fake idol that Corrine has.
The contestants then go to the immunity challenge. It is a two part challenge. First, they answer four questions in order to earn balls. They then have to roll those balls down a hill into a target area. Since the challenge in all physics, Bob winds up winning it. Bob wants to blindside Matty.
Corrine and Bob work on their plan to use their fake idol to their advantage. The tribe does, in fact, want to vote out Corrine. Matty thinks about what to do. Corrine tells Ken about the idol and Ken wants to blindside Matty now as a result. Corrine thinks that this hair brained scheme might work. Bob also shows Crystal this idol as they plan to vote out Matty. But Crystal talks to Ken and Ken convinces her to vote for Corrine since that would force the idol out of the game. Ken thinks that this will work and make him one of the master strategic players of the game since he wants Matty out. Bob is convinced that things will work without the idol having to be played. Crystal is unsure of the mental parts of the game since she doesn’t know if the idol is real or fake.
We then go to tribal council. Jeff asks Susie if they can still feel old tribal lines. She gives a strange sort of answer. Everyone is asked about paranoia. Bob doesn’t think that he has it now since he has immunity. Crystal thinks that knowing who or what to trust is a problem. Ken thinks that the vote is very important. This tribal council sure feels very short to me. The votes are cast with Bob, Ken, and Corrine voting against Matty where Matty, Sugar, Crystal, and Susie vote for Corrine. She is voted out as a result, but she would have been saved if her idol were real. They sure drew out the no one is playing an idol thing at us for a while. I kind of like that. Matty was not voted out as a result, even though that’s how some of them actually wanted the vote to go. Corrine is voted out instead. Paranoia was the theme of the night and they see what happened next.
On the next Survivor, Bob and Ken make a deal that if Bob wins immunity, he would give it to Ken since Ken is upset that the vote went the way it did. Meanwhile, there are other things that are weird that are going on in the tribe as things wind down. In her final words, Corrine bitches about Sugar and says that she only likes Bob and Ken. This cast really wasn’t as likable as it could have been. I know that I’m friends with some of them on facebook. But I think that only a few of them are friends with me. I think that Marcus is and I can’t remember anymore offhand. I’d have to check. Maybe I'll put all the guesses in the finale post.
Total confessional count: Bob- 17, Sugar- 27, Matty- 27, Susie- 10, Ken- 23, Crystal- 30, Corrine- 32. New confessionals this episode: Susie- 1, Ken- 3, Crystal- 2, Corrine- 5, Bob- 3, Sugar- 3, Matty- 3. Special loved ones confessional count: Margie- 1.
Corrine was a notable enough player that she returned to the game in the second fans versus favorite season, Caramoan. She was one of only two players from before Heroes versus Villains to return for that season. She made it to the merge, but was voted out first of the new tribe and didn’t even get to serve on the jury as a result. This also would have put her in the audience during the controversial reunion show. Could she return to play the game again? I would put her chances of that at about 51%.
Blogger is changing and I hope that I like it and can get used to it over time. I may no longer be able to do the posts in the justified format I keep writing them in as they are switching to align right be default. Also note that I am now writing posts on China and will put them on Fridays when available. I can only hope that I can start doing that this coming Friday like I have planned. I can only hope that blogger does not change too much and I can still update the posts. Who knows what will change if this show isn’t on Wednesdays when and if it returns. At least be glad that I’m still blogging in it. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.
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