Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Episode 1.1b

Well, I don’t know just how long it will be since writing the previous post before I’ll be able to start with the old episodes of this season again. I hope that it won’t be too long, but also that I’ll have time to see all of the other old seasons of Survivor that I want to before I get to doing this one. I especially hope that I can get Survivor: All-Stars at some point in time.


I might explain more about how I know for a fact that I will be watching this season at least three more times with it being added to the end of a list at least two more times after this time later. Meanwhile, it could be a while before you see a poll somewhere about what contestant from a season I have I should do a recap of since I’ll be watching specific seasons for specific players that I’ll roll to choose from instead. I also don’t know if it will be in the Addicted to Survivor facebook group or somewhere else that I’ll do this potential poll in. I had issues doing polls in general with the new facebook so one may not be done again in the future depending on how it works.


Since I’m talking about the first season of Survivor, I might as well promote the podcast that I was in at one point since it is relevant. You see, a topic covered in this was which season a person felt had the most unique cast and someone (not me) picked Borneo. This topic is covered at about 53:40. Do you think that this person had a point?




To date, a YouTube channel called TVsins has covered only one Survivor episode that I know of. It was done so long ago that it still uses the original narrator of it who also does CinemaSins. Since it was the first episode of Survivor that they covered, then I might as well share it.




Of course, I’ve complained some about TVsins in a way that may not make sense to everyone and that includes me. I did a post about that in my TV blog. What it basically boiled down to is that I felt and still do feel that they exploit very recent streaming content too soon and it is often always on a paid site since I don’t honestly know of any streaming sites for TV shows that are entirely free and also legal to use for people who want to. I’ll still watch videos from it at times, but won’t go out of the way to catch up on it like I try to with other channels like CinemaSins still.


Since I’m trying to keep you updated on some different missionary links that are important, you should know that one YouTube video will be shared as long as I can watch it at some point in time. Meanwhile, I will share a link to the Belize Mission Society which mentions two other missionaries that I have shared before already. This is a catch all for all of the Belize missionary work that I know of thus far.




When I had thought of and worked out the potential of doing a third list of shows on DVD or stuff that is like it, what I knew was that I was needing at least 5 choices after it or having a good sorted list of two choices and making this a third choice. I got it to happen which is a long story short. I will mention what the choices are on the list.


Before I get much further, I should mention the Thursday shows that I watched around Lent in 2022. I did not have to worry about missing that much on Maundy Thursday since the ABC shows that I care about, Station 19 and Grey’s Anatomy, are on hiatus. I am not interested in Big Sky anymore. I still have old episodes of it to catch up on. I may return to it if it winds up ending this season.


Speaking of other shows that I couldn’t keep up with, I checked out both Welcome to Flatch and How We Roll, but will not be keeping up with either show a second time. I was also briefly into The United States of Al, but that did not last long past its amazing second season premiere. The other shows that I keep up with that air on Thursdays are the final season of Bull, SVU, Law and Order: Organized Crime, and Young Sheldon.


It was at first unknown if or how the third list will be done away with, merged, or woven into other lists. It is possible that this will affect the first two lists at some point. What is also interesting is that there are two other choices on my newest list that will result in my writing notes in a document for it. One will result in a TV blog post. The other will be part of a YouTube channel. I will keep notes somewhere in this blog about what will happen with different lists and how things will change. I did more rigging of various choices to even get the third list to happen when and how it did without it causing other complications of some sort that could have happened instead. A fourth list could have issues or maybe not. It will all depend on what I decide to maybe add as an emergency sixth option that I wouldn’t get normally.


Let’s get to challenges that start with L from Survivor fandom. There’s not much of an introduction to this section to put here. I was thinking that two choices could branch out and this is one of them that is branching out at this point in time.




This is also known as Dizzy Gillespie, Chain Reaction, and True Grit. In this challenge, contestants have to get a certain number of bolas on a pole in a game similar to ladder toss and once had them competing for points to get a high score. This challenge could be done while social distancing in various ways.


For those who want to know more about it, here’s a link to the Wikipedia page on ladder toss. There is not much else to state about it. I’m unsure why people hate Wikipedia. Do people indoctrinate others with a hatred of it? The site is way more reliable than others would have you think. And people think that one should use google. Where is google going to take you most of the time? That’s right: Wikipedia. So what’s the issue with the site?






In this challenge, contestants have to outlast each other before running out of breathing air, as they are in a water waiting for high tide to come in. While this challenge could be done while social distancing, I do not like it or want it to appear again. It seems too dangerous.




This challenge is also known as sudden death. In it, contestants have to get bags of puzzle pieces of letters and have to use them to solve a phrase. This challenge could be done while social distancing. It is possible it could be done that way regardless of if the challenge is even tribal, potentially.




In it, the complicated challenge has the tribes racing over obstacles, assemble a puzzle boat, row out to light a torch, row back, take the boat apart again, solve another puzzle, make another climbing wall, and then use their torch to light a bale. I think that it is possible to do this while social distancing if it were turned into a relay race with each single contestant given one of the tasks at hand.




This is also known as unchained and temptation valley. In this challenge, contestants have to do a series of tasks or obstacles while attached to each other before they cross the finish line and win the challenge. This could not be done while social distancing as it would rely on people being too close to each other for the challenge.




This is also known as lake log game. In it, contestants have to outlast their opponent while rolling on a log in a competition. Depending on how long the log would be, it could be done while social distancing. I just don’t know if that would create too much of a sight disadvantage.




This is also known as bail out, box car blues, ball-istic missiles, and heroes end. In it, contestants must get through obstacles and then use slingshots to knock down targets. This challenge could maybe be done while social distancing, if turned into a relay race.


I’m now going to mention what the rolling list is and how it could affect other past Survivor seasons watching. I have some old seasons out in a bubble for potential future use that might happen at some point in time and other seasons could be frozen in place for a while. This one will have priority over a lot of other seasons that are on the older lists already.


Here are the choices to add in the order that they will be added in: NCIS season 10, Invader Zim season 1 (look out for a potential vlog about these episodes on my YouTube channel), Wallace and Gromit, Dr. Seuss tapes, Survivor: Borneo, and The Big Bang Theory season 10. In addition to being the fifth in line in terms of seniority on this list, Survivor: Borneo is also number 5 on the list of things to roll from. Not all of these can move up to the next list due to same letter rules that I have. I will also talk some about how this moving up past all of the ones before it will affect higher lists as well. This means that Survivor: China could be frozen out of being watched should Survivor: Borneo be what needs to be moved to the next list in line.


Since I’m wanting to add paragraphs in foreign languages in this Survivor blog of mine, I decided that the one that would best work would be a Latin paragraph for all of these season’s posts. Or, maybe not all of them in the event that I wind up sharing the original English paragraphs for when I shared these types of things in my blogs on Madam Secretary or The Good Fight.


Disputatio omnium fieri potest ut rerum exitus in a 9-24-2018 Tempus autem, unum quod volo loqui de maxime est articulus dicitur "Senatus GOP BUCINUM LUSTRUM timet," exitus in pagina X illius. Articuli recte explicat "anno senatus hostem Republican graviter favent. 'Immo duas partis esset rete tulere patrum sedes flipping tandem ex quatuor Democratae.


Sed quoniam articuli Sequitur, ut 'tres ex novem Republican-sedem tenuit, [ut] in Nevada [et] ... Arizona potest esse occasiones pro RAPINA factioni Democratae' quae fuerunt. Et puncta sicco BUCINUM scriptor articulus potuit esse difficultates in iter illud ad victoriam. Trump, et fallacia ad eum: 40 putaverunt enim princeps rating esset aliquid valet acies iactando de approbatione. BUCINUM non erat altior quam L% approbatione rating ita longe, praeses quid enim aliud nemo potest dici.


It was on Earth Day or 4-22-2022 when this episode was “rolled” as in decided to be watched with me having the chance to do it. I will not know when I might have this chance to see it again. Know that I am juggling a lot of things around and can only hope that I stay as caught up as possible or that I want to in this blog’s past season’s posts. It was a Friday when this happened which delayed a post that would not have been ready anyways. I should be getting to that one before the week is over.


We begin with 16 people agreeing to be marooned on Borneo. They have only two minutes to get as many supplies as they can off of the boat that they are on. The contestants from each tribe are then gone through with Tagi being introduced first and Pagong second. They met for the first time and it is more than just survival skills, it is social skills as well. They must survive the island and each other.


Rudy talks on Tagi about how they should get rid of some boxes that are dead weight by putting them on the boat. Kelly disagrees with this. Meanwhile, Pagong finally arrives at their beach 3 hours after the marooning with Ramona worn out already. Dirk thinks that people like Richard annoy him. Richard thinks that they should function together. He gets into issues with Sue. He is convinced that they have already written the check for a million dollars for him while wanting to keep his cocky attitude in check. Can he do it? I guess we’ll have to see. Of course, I’ve already seen this.


The Tagi tribe opens rations. Is that unique to this season? Richard still tries to take control of his tribe while also expressing an interest in group mentality. When I say team, you say work. Team. Oh, wait. I had to get rid of the comments.


On Pagong, B. B. and Ramona take an hour to find water. B. B. says that neither him nor Ramona should give up the secret of the water or else they will get voted out. I guess that they both failed on that front. Maybe they need to wade, in the water.


Not much is happening back at Tagi. Sonja gets hurt a bit and is treated by Sean, the doctor. Sonja then sings a song on her ukulele. Richard is able to catch a rat. I wonder if this will be important to an allegory at the very end of this season. But he is going after prey.


Going back to Pagong, Ramona wasn’t able to sleep that much. B. B. takes charge of his tribe, but his work ethic annoys everyone. Gretchen tells him not to work too hard since she thinks that he will wear himself out. He doesn’t take this advice. On day two, Gretchen is able to make fire with the glasses that B. B. has. Tagi, meanwhile, is not able to make fire. But they don’t have someone with glasses on their tribe, do they? This could be a spoiler about who wins immunity tonight.


The Tagi tribe is shown reading the message about the upcoming challenge. It relates to fire. They will get 50 waterproof matches in addition to immunity. A storm is coming as the challenge starts. They have to light every torch and Sonja falls behind despite a good effort by her tribe at first. Also, is it just me or did the Tagi tribe have a bit more ground to cover than Pagong did? That has always bothered me about this challenge since the tribes were so close too.


After the loss, Dirk, a possible youth minister, reads the bible. Rudy bounds with Richard some. Rudy has some work ethic that some people don’t like it. Rudy is thought of as arrogant. But Richard also thinks that he won’t last if they realize that about him. They still bound for now. The people on Tagi all talk about who to vote with too much seeming unsure right now.


Jeff sizes up a few of the contestants on Tagi before they get to tribal council by walking there. They will get their torches back at camp and are able to bring fire as a result. Jeff talks a lot before some of the players on the tribe get to talk some, but not much happens at the tribal council. A chest with the money is there at tribal council.


The votes are cast with Richard voting for Stacey. Kelly, Stacey, and Sonja vote for Rudy. Rudy, Sean, Sue, and Dirk all vote for Sonja. It is thus Sonja that is voted out of the game first before anyone else is. She has to leave the tribal council area immediately. That catch phrase annoys me some. But I don’t think that he uses it anymore. I should pay attention.


Next week on Survivor, B. B. continues to irate people, Rudy and Richard become pretty good friends, but not in a homosexual way, that’s for sure. Sonja thinks that her tribe made the right decision when she talks in her final words.


Total confessional count: Rudy- 3, B. B.- 2, Kelly- 3, Richard- 5, Sue- 1, Colleen- 0, Sonja- 3, Jenna- 0, Joel- 0, Dirk- 1, Ramona- 2, Gervase- 0, Greg- 0, Gretchen- 1, Sean- 1, Stacey- 1.


I don’t think that I missed anyone, although it will be hard for me to tell and keep up with whether or not these numbers will match up with past ones that I’ve shared before. Anyways, I’m now going to talk about what I feel are Sonja’s chances of returning to play the game again. I know that she is older and a lot of time has passed. She doesn’t have much to offer outside of being the first boot and first boots who are first time players are typically never seen again. I give her about a 17% chance of playing the game again someday. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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