Since I talked some the Wednesday shows that I watched between Survivor seasons before both Lent and the schedule change, I should also focus on the Wednesday shows that I have watched at the time since Survivor has returned. I’m not watching much on Wednesdays. Other than Survivor, the shows that I’m watching are The Flash, Kung Fu, and Home Economics. I’m not seeing anything at 9 since I was and still am spending time doing other things. By now, it seems too late in the schedule to get into anything new. Regarding what I could potentially watch if I were seeing something at 9, I would want to see if Chicago PD is any good. I don’t think that I’d want to check out A Million Little Things since it seems like it is going to be cancelled soon, although this might not be the case in the end. I had checked out Domino Masters, but didn’t care enough to watch it again. It seemed more cliché than not.
Let’s get to the one time challenges from the twenty-second season. It is interesting that this season just happened to be the next one due to the Survivor death that I’ll get to. The major flaw with this season wasn’t so much that some challenges were only used once, but that some challenges debuted as a duel this season. Jeff had originally stated that all duels were challenges that had been done before. This was a lie as he tends to lie a lot (typically about how good a season will be, although good is subjective).
Push it Uphill (opening challenge from You’re Looking at the New Leader of Your Tribe): This challenge has four blocks being pushed along a track to form the base of a temple. Up steps, a player will cut down a series of ropes releasing another set of steps. At the top, a block puzzle will complete their temple. I could maybe see parts of this done while social distancing, especially if things are done as a relay race. I feel that a relay race might be my favorite idea in regards to a social distancing challenge.
Toolin’ Around (tribal challenge from Don’t You Work for Me): In this challenge, the tribe members would have to use tools that they have from a Craftsman tool kit to do various tasks in order to win the challenge. After crossing a balance beam, contestants would then use a crowbar to get a shovel, use that shovel to dig for an axe, use that axe to cut through a log to release saws, use the saws to cut through a wall to release planks, use those planks to complete a ramp to get everyone on top of a platform, hammer down three tiles to break them on said platform, and end by putting the toolbox with all of the tools on top of a platform. This could be done while social distancing if made into, you guessed it, a relay race.
Mayan Pizza (immunity challenge from Rice Wars): In this challenge, what it basically boiled down to was there being one puzzle solved in the first round and then another puzzle solved in the final round. It could easily be done while social distancing.
У випуску Time від 16 грудня 2019 року була стаття під назвою «Quid Pro Dough», яка починалася на сторінці 48 номера. По суті, люди хотіли віддати свої важко зароблені гроші Трампу. Можна подумати, що це було б шахрайство, але не здається, що він отримує великі неприємності за те, що обманює людей з їхніх грошей. Це їх марно витрачати. Facebook – це те місце, де Трамп витратив свої гроші, оскільки, відповідно до сторінки 50, він «не відстежує політичну рекламу кандидатів на правдивість», що означає, що можна скільки завгодно брехати в своїх оголошеннях у Facebook, не потрапляючи в неприємності, принаймні в час, якщо не зараз.
Це величезна проблема, оскільки «кампанія [Трампа] має хороші шанси фактично представити свою версію подій, незалежно від реальності». Звичайно, проблема першого імпічменту Трампа полягає в тому, що «громадська підтримка [його] була приблизно на 5 пунктів вище, ніж опозиція в більшості опитувань», що означає, що більше людей хотіли, щоб Трамп звільнився з посади, ніж щоб він залишився. Сторінка 51 каже, що «оброєння Трампом соціальних мереж добре відоме». Він ділиться розвінчаними історіями, які часто стосуються Хантера Байдена. Консерватори повинні знати, що практично все, що стосується Хантера Байдена, не відповідає дійсності, і їх не варто повторювати в цьому блозі, окрім розвінчування їх.
There was a lot that I talked about in this old Madam Secretary blog post. I mentioned various updates as to what I watch on DVD. I talked about when I was catching up on Survivor: Palau. I had updates with my TV blog. I talked about the ranking football teams and how it wound up being changed over time. For instance, the delay that I talked about didn’t lower the ranking of those teams and I’ve decided that I will only root for the Rams as the first team, but not anything else before them.
I also talk about a potential winning streak of The Kansas City Chiefs that I might have been wrong about. I thought that they had the longest winning streak of all the football teams, but am unsure of that since I misread something on Wikipedia to lead to that idea. I’d have to check from before the 2016 NFL season and then catch up to the present at the time. I also mention the vote regarding Rams move with two football teams owners voting against it. While we don’t know for sure which two teams it was, the most likely explanation is that it was the Chargers and Raiders since if the Rams moved to LA, then neither of them would, at least that season. There could be other explanations, but I’m not sure if any of them make sense.
This, of course, leads me to reference my Still a Rams Fan facebook group for loyalists of the Rams despite their move to LA. It will still be updated a bit throughout the offseason and I may mention a bit more about that and some other facebook groups of mine in past seasons since it actually relates to Sundays and Sunday from Survivor. I also mentioned in the blog post about losing the election instead of primary, which is sort of different. The president had lost the primary and not the general election.
I did talk about the National Anthem Protests in that post which did not blow over as I thought that it might. It is still done and talked about. There are times that I remain seated for the flag myself. I do think that this confuses people who are familiar with the other football term called taking a knee. I know that some people get pissed off by it. Know that they have a right not to like it just like they have a right to do it as much as they want to.
There should be updates on football rankings to come, potentially, with me going through all of the tiers of football teams that I have starting at the first one and working my way down. There are a lot of teams that I will talk about and I hope that it makes sense to people.
Movie update: On Friday, a lot was potentially going on and I felt that watching a movie wasn’t the right idea so, instead, I watched a Survivor: Borneo episode instead. On Saturday and Sunday afternoon, family visits prevented me from seeing a movie then. Sunday night, I was busy watching primetime. On Monday, I watched That Darn Cat. I replaced that with The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood. I did not see a movie on Tuesday and had not even finished watching That Darn Cat until after this episode aired. As usual, I’m writing this post out of order.
After the last episode aired, I learned about the death of Ralph from Survivor: Redemption Island which means that I will want to see that season again. I’m going to share my ranking of that season again. I have it ranked as 12 out of 41* seasons. Since I’ve shared that before, I might as well also share the ranking of Nicaragua. That ranks as 18 out of 41* seasons.
*The current season is not yet ranked.
In the first segment of the show, Romeo realizes that he was the target of a split. He wants to kick people in the face. But one can’t be cheesing or choosing. Hai wants to figure out who voted for him. It was Omar who voted for him. The next day, Rocksroy, Mike, and others want to do an all male alliance. Mike is convinced that it won’t last. Omar doesn’t like this idea. Hai thinks that it is sexist. I’m not sure if any all male alliance has worked and I can think of only one all female alliance that did. Rocksroy is now the target by at least two of these men, Hai and Omar.
In the second segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge. We learn of the twist today and the split tribal council. It is over pretty quickly with Hai and Jonathan fighting it out for each team and it ultimately being Jonathan who wins reward. Mike is convinced that everything will be smooth for his tribe’s tribal council.
In the third segment of the show, Romeo thinks that Rocksroy’s “perfect” plan of an all men’s alliance is coming apart since all five of them are in a group and one of them will have to be voted out. Hai thinks that he’s the target in this group, not having allies in this group. Omar is convinced that there can be enough of them to go after Rocksroy. Mike wants to stick with his alliance and promise to Rocksrory and not be seen as untrustworthy to the other group.
Jonathan and the women enjoy their reward. Lindsay thinks that they will get rid of Tori. Jonathan wants to vote for Drea and get rid of her idol but tells Maryanne that Drea should vote for Maryanne. Tori is not to be told of this plan, but Maryanne spoils some of this which Tori is okay with since it means that she’s not a target. Tori should psychoanalysis the reason behind Survivor contestant’s not keeping secrets. Drea doesn’t like the idea of Maryanne being targeted due to her idol. Lindsay doesn’t think that Jonathan is thinking as clearly as he could be. Jonathan wants people to listen to him.
In the fourth segment of the show, we get to the first of tonight’s tribal councils. They have to deal with a lot of the rain whereas Jeff and others in production don’t have to suffer like this. Some of the tribe feels mellow. It is like a game of chicken. They acted like guys. Well, they are guys. Roar! Not much can be gained from tribal council and the voting takes place. We cut to commercial before we get to much else. Did someone play a shot in the dark? I guess we’ll find out soon.
In the fifth segment of the show, not much happens at first other and Rocksroy, the leader of the all male alliance, getting voted out. How often does the leader of an alliance get voted out by people who are supposed to be there?
Anyways, the next group arrives and reacts of Rocks being voted out. I knew that paper would beat him. If the voting were done on scissors, there’s no way he would have lost. Maryanne talks about how she doesn’t know what to make of what just happened. Tori thinks that the twist is good news. How often are they going to do it? I mean, aren’t people going to expect it if they keep doing it? Or will it go the way of the double tribal council for a long time when it didn’t happen for such a long streak of time?
Drea doesn’t like black people being voted out and says that she will play her idol. Jonathan then does a secret whispering with Maryanne and Lindsay. Maryanne doesn’t want to vote for Drea anymore. Some of the voting wants to be against Tori now, but Tori isn’t meant to be told of this. Jonathan doesn’t think that race has anything to do with the vote offs. Maryanne also reveals her idol and wants to play it. I’m confused. Is this about race? I guess that this is the peril of the new casting. Tori thinks that they are okay to feel that way. This isn’t a bad conversation since it is deep. And this isn’t the fake deep thoughts that Jack Handy would do. I forget what some of those are and may make some up. Or not. I could just share others that I’ve seen.
Jonathan is glad that they are having this moment that is bigger than the game. In a weird like moment, both Drea and Maryanne play their idols. Tori is now telling people that she is playing the shot in the dark, making it either she is safe and Lindsay is voted out or Tori isn’t safe and is voted out instead. This creates a weird vote without a vote unlike many we have had before, but certainly like a few others that have happened here and there. Tori mentions God. He hasn’t come up before this season, has he?
On the next Survivor, the right person has to be voted out, Jonathan might be a target, it seems that Mike is finding things annoying as usual. There’s always one, right? What’s up with that? Why is there always one constantly annoyed player each season? Should I go through who I feel each of them are? Oh wait. I got rid of comments. It’s a shame. I got more spam comments on this blog than legit ones. But there is no way that I’m going to ignore them and let them stand. That would make people think that it is okay to do that. Anyways, it might be more of a recent season thing anyways. But it has possibly happened since at least China.
Total confessional count: Drea- 15, Jonathan- 13, Omar- 24, Rocksroy- 12, Lindsay- 9, Romeo- 13, Hai- 18, Tori- 11, Maryanne- 16, Mike- 21.
New confessionals this episode: Jonathan- 1, Omar- 3, Rocksroy- 1, Lindsay- 2, Romeo- 3, Hai- 4, Tori- 1, Maryanne- 1, Mike- 2, Drea- 1.
It is hard to make much sense of the confessional count and, if you can’t tell my now, I don’t talk as much about it and only really show it to keep track of it. In the meantime, I’m going to share the last planned set of blog posts for now. I won’t share anymore until I know the schedule for next season with the return dates of both Survivor 43 and CSI: Vegas.
Planned August blog posts
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Not August |
1: freebie |
2: Madam Secretary |
3: Survivor (maybe) |
4: The Good Fight (maybe) |
5: The Good Wife |
6: TV |
7: CSI: Cyber |
8: Elementary |
9: Survivor (maybe) |
10: Survivor (maybe) |
11: CSI: Cyber |
12: Survivor (maybe) |
13: TV |
14: Survivor (maybe) |
15: freebie |
16: The Good Wife |
17: Survivor (maybe) |
18: freebie |
19: Madam Secretary |
20: TV |
21: Madam Secretary |
22: freebie |
23: The Good Wife |
24: Survivor (maybe) |
25: freebie |
26: Survivor (maybe) |
27: TV |
28: Survivor (maybe) |
29: Elementary |
30: Survivor (maybe) |
31: Survivor (maybe) |
Not August |
Not August |
Not August |
A lot can still change with the whole thing regarding blog posts. I doubt that any of the planned posts will ever happen exactly as I say that it will. There’s not much else to talk about so I will end the post here. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.
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