In honor of the week of Easter which has now come and gone, I’m going to mention the Sunday shows that I watch. I don’t watch too much on Sundays right now. I watch The Simpsons, Bob’s Burgers, The Great North, Family Guy, 60 Minutes, NCIS: Los Angeles, The Equalizer, The Rookie, and S.W.A.T.
While I now want to get to the one time challenges from the twentieth season, there are none. That makes it the first season both chronologically and ever to never have a single challenge in it be used only once. Thus, I’m going to get to the one time challenges from the twenty-first season.
Getting Tanked (immunity challenge from Young at Heart): In this challenge, contestants would have to have one of them on top of a tower to pour water down five gutters that five different players were holding. Once a barrel is full, a net of puzzle pieces would be released. The remaining players in the challenge would then assemble the puzzle with the first team to solve it winning. I think that it could be potentially done while social distancing, but there would have to be less people with it and only one doing the puzzle. I’m not sure that I’d like that variant. The only variant that anyone can like nowadays is Loki from the TV show of the same name.
Hay Mate (challenge from Fatigue Makes Cowards of us All): In this challenge, players would have to crawl in the mud under a net to get balls from a stack of hay. After being taken out of a casing, shields would be used to bounce balls into a barrel. Getting all four balls in would get you out, of attending tribal council, that is. I could potentially see this being done while social distancing if turned into a relay race if only one person had to do certain tasks.
Don’t Let Your Balls Drop (reward challenge from Turf Wars): In this challenge, both tribes have a ball that is coming down in random ways that have to be caught by members of the other tribe. If the ball hits the ground, the tribe that put the ball on the board (or the tribe that didn’t have members that just failed to catch it) gets a point. Once you get three points, you win the challenge. This could be done while social distancing. It seems very similar to the Price is Right game Plinko. The key difference is that you can get something good at any place of it in theory unless you don’t.
Cannon Ski-Ball (immunity challenge from What Goes Around, Comes Around): In this challenge, there are cannonballs that will be rolled by two people down a steep chute. The other four members will aim the chute while trying to break the other tribe’s tiles. Once all of them are broken, you’d win. If this could be done with less people at a time or while being able to stay away from each other, then it could be done while social distancing.
Poolin’ Around (reward challenge from This is Going to Hurt): In this challenge, contestants would work with their loved ones to compete in the challenge. The players would get two bags of puzzle pieces from a pool. These would be given to their loved ones who would then solve the word puzzle. If this were a true individual challenge, it could be done while social distancing.
Donkey Dig (penultimate immunity challenge from What about Me?): In this challenge, it makes use of the challenge Survivor folklore in certain ways. Players would have to get questions right about the history of Nicaragua. Once they get the valid puzzle pieces, they’d have to solve the puzzle in order to win the challenge at hand. It could probably be done while social distancing.
У випуску Time від 2 до 9 грудня 2019 року була гарна стаття під назвою «Ставки в Україні», яка починалася на сторінці 25 цього випуску і була написана Девідом Френчем. Він пише, що «немає хорошого і простого пояснення шкоди, яку він завдав американським національним інтересам», намагаючись вимагати їх, утримуючи військову допомогу. Треба пам’ятати, що сенат одноголосно проголосував, коли вони зрозуміли, що допомога була припинена, тому вони переконалися, що вона відбулася.
Далі в статті Девід згадує, що причиною відмови у допомозі було те, що колишній хлопець у Білому домі «виховував різні внутрішні американські політичні образи проти Байденів, керуючись необґрунтованими теоріями змови», що замість того, щоб зробити його хорошими президентами, «не стратегічні в їхньому мисленні та мотивовані американськими національними інтересами». Натомість у нас є хтось на кшталт Трампа, який «неосвічений, імпульсивний, вразливий до теорій змови та мотивований своїми особистими образами та образами».
In this post from my Madam Secretary blog, I talk about linking this up with my Survivor blog and blogging about the season Palau. Nearly all of that blog was late for a while and most of it outdated since I was done blogging about Palau that time by the time that these posts were published. I also talk about presidents replacing cabinet members. As I now know quite well, anyone who is not the vice-president can be replaced at any time the president wants (or at least fired) and even the vice-president can be replaced by a different running mate or other reasons via the 25th Amendment.
Movie update: On Friday, I chose not to watch a movie because of Good Friday and family visits. I had instead watched an episode of NCIS that I was not able to finish until Saturday when I would have then normally watched a different selection of movies. On Easter Sunday, I could see nothing from either list due to first a family visit for lunch and then new primetime shows during supper. On Monday, I watched The Bourne Identity. I replaced it with The Bourne Supremacy. I did not watch a movie on Tuesday as I was still finishing Monday’s movie then.
Since Lydia was the most recent person voted out of this Survivor season, I might as well get to sharing the only song currently that I know of that has the name Lydia in its title and that’s Lydia the tattooed lady, this version being from The Muppet Show.
Well, it is unfortunate based on the feedback that I would have liked more of, but due to all of the spam that people or bots were posting in the comments of this blog, I had no choice but to ban comments, or I’m pretty sure, at least that I did. I might do more bans in other blogs should people start posting spam there as well. And that would include foreign language spam. If you do have any legit comments that you want to post about any of this blog, then go to my Madam Secretary blog and be sure to start your comment with “I wanted to post this in your Survivor blog:”
Something else that I’m wondering about is if the people with them can combine their advantage amulet into one. I mean, they did have that super idol in Kaoh Rong that was like that in a way. Maybe these people can get a regular idol that way. But enough of my ramblings.
In the first segment of the show, the now merged tribe, Kula Kula, is wondering whether or not there will be a merge feast at all. Chanelle didn’t like being on the wrong side of the numbers. Drea has to talk to Romeo to ensure that they are still allies. Maryanne feels like she’s on the bottom of the tribe. Mike wants to be seen as an ally to others. He also talks to Omar about Islam for over an hour and Mike learns that they aren’t that different. Deep down you’ll find I’m just like you. Tori looks forward to a potential food reward since it makes lips loose. I think that she’s thinking of having an advantage.
At the reward challenge, we learn that there is a beware advantage at the challenge at the sit-out bench there. Drea wants to switch with Maryanne so that Drea is sitting out instead of Maryanne. I might have done the same thing maybe since I don’t like peanut butter and jelly either. Of course, now, I’d be more likely to be looking for an advantage since one has been there now three times at least. We never even know what the advantage was that Xander didn’t find last season. (That should have been most people’s hint that he wasn’t going to win since he missed things that were there like a winner wouldn’t.) It turns out that Drea does get the advantage that she notices is there. It is the blue team that wins.
In the second segment of the show, Jonathan and others like the reward. Others that lost are more okay with it than they otherwise might be. Different names are brought up like Tori, Chanelle, and Romeo. Omar is playing all sides right now. That’s normally too risky a move. Zane became the first boot of his season, Philippines, because of it. Of course, he was too open with everyone about it. Anyways, we see Drea getting the knowledge is power advantage getting her four advantages total. I can’t even keep track of who all has what advantage. I just hope that an idol is played correctly this season. Drea has to worry about red paint on her hand that Tori notices and is suspicious of.
In the third segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge with Jeff talking about another sit-out for rice component of the challenge. The next person voted out starts the jury. The tribe members also negotiate themselves who will sit out of the challenge. Ultimately, the four sit-outs happen with Lindsay, Maryanne, Omar, and Drea all sitting out. Why was Maryanne so emotional about it? She has an idol. Of course, one could realize that if someone has an idol, they could be thought of as someone with an idol in the event that they chose to sit out. Tori wins the challenge. Of course, they would show the wobbly person as the winner. I was sketchy of the detail for a moment, though. Drea wants the vote out to be Romeo, Chanelle or Romeo.
In the fourth segment of the show, it appears that the main target of the vote might be Chanelle. But when Romeo learns that he was one of the names brought up, he scrambles a lot. This appears to have a negative effect as they now want to target Romeo instead. Mike still wants to vote out Chanelle. And he wants to convince his alliance to stick with his target. Was Rocksroy’s name brought up? I couldn’t tell for sure. It might be Romeo who is voted out, but we’ll see if he is or isn’t.
In the fifth segment of the show, we get to tribal council and I can’t even summarize a lot of what had just happened since I was too busy getting supper ready. And if you think that’s bad, I’m working on writing a completely different Survivor episode from a different season that is paused right now. It does seem that the sit-outs aren’t targets.
People talk about whether they want to drive or be a passenger in a car. Do you ever have dreams where a car is driving widely out of control, but not in a way that it normally would in reality without causing a crash? Maybe it is driving on an interstate and no one is at the wheel as you seek to get in control. Or maybe someone else is driving in a way that makes you quite uncomfortable.
Anyways, after the worst tribal council recap ever, Chanelle is voted out of the game with some scattered votes for other, random people. I just thought of something, should you let the secondary target be legit since they will know this when votes for them are read? They would be quite wary of this if they know they could be a target the second time around.
On the next Survivor, there will be two immunities and two people going home as it seems that there is the usual split tribal council that has largely happened since Ghost Island. And other stuff was known in the promo as well such as maybe issues with Jonathan and Lindsay.
Total confessional count: Lindsay- 7, Romeo- 10, Hai- 14, Chanelle- 16, Tori- 10, Maryanne- 15, Mike- 19, Drea- 14, Jonathan- 12, Omar- 21, Rocksroy- 11.
New confessionals this episode: Romeo- 1, Hai- 0, Chanelle- 1, Tori- 2, Maryanne- 2, Mike- 4, Drea- 3, Jonathan- 1, Omar- 4, Rocksroy- 0, Lindsay- 0.
I’m unsure based on the confessional count who the potential winner of this season might be. I don’t think that it’s Omar, although he has been seen more. I doubt that it is Tori. Maryanne seems unlikely. Mike is kind of out there so I’m unsure of him. I’m not as confident regarding Jonathan. And yet, all of the people I just mentioned seem more likely than not to be the winner than the others. We’ll find out if they are playing the fourth quiet game in a row. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.
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